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父亲病故后,我把那件衣服给忘了。When my father died, I forgot about the dress.

他收到一份电报,说他的母亲已病故。He received a telegram saying that his mother had died.

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自从他的父母病故以来,他就一直无家可归。Since his parents died of illness, he has been homeless.

在照片拍摄两周后,他病故了。Two weeks after this photograph was taken, he passed away.

两年前,我的一位近亲因胃癌病故。Two years ago, one of my close relatives died from stomach cancer.

每年约有5000人被诊断为口腔癌患者,其中大约1800人因此病故。Each year about 5, 000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer and about 1, 800 die from it.

王永康弟兄的父亲于日前在北京病故,我们求主安慰弟兄并在大陆的家属们。Bro . Yongkang Wang's parents in Beijing are ill. We ask that the Lord comfort our brother and his family.

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她周日病故,拜登周一和周二的竞选活动也宣告取消。On Sunday, she died after a long illness and Biden campaign events for Monday and Tuesday were also canceled.

请把因为7.1事件而造成自杀、无钱医治而病故的代理商的资料尽快准备好。Please send for 7.1 events caused suicide, and died without money to heal the agents of information as soon as ready.

利物浦对周一病故的前利物浦球员阿兰-科特表示沉重的哀悼。Liverpool Football Club were sad to learn of the death of ex-Red Alan A'Court, who passed away on Monday following illness.

伊恩-卡拉汉悼念拥有比赛绅士之称的周一因病故去世的阿兰-阿-科特。Ian Callaghan has paid tribute to one of the game's true gentleman in mentor Alan A'Court who sadly passed away on Monday after illness.

高尔基出生在一个木工家庭,5岁时,父亲病故了,他的生活更加艰苦了,他和妈妈就住在外祖父家里。Golgi was born in a woodworking family, 5 years old, his father died of illness, his life more difficult, he and his mother lived in grandfather's home.

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萧红一生命途多舛,受尽磨难,31岁就在香港病故。Xiao Hong was full of setbacks and frustrations in her life, suffering from all kinds of tribulation. She died in Hong Kong for illness only at 31 years old.

童年时,父病故,由伯父抚养,跟随伯父学习绘画技法和文化知识。Since childhood, he was raised by his uncle because his father had died. From that time he began to learn the skill of painting and civilization under his uncle.

国家对现役军人、伤残军人、复员退伍军人、革命烈士家属、因公牺牲军人家属、病故军人家属、现役军人家属提供不同形式的帮助。The government provides various forms of aids to soldiers, disabled soldiers, veterans, families of "revolutionary martyrs", of soldiers, of those who die on duty or of illness.

公安民警抚恤制度是国家对伤残人民警察和牺牲、病故人民警察家属进行抚慰的一种社会保障制度,一般包括伤残抚恤和死亡抚恤两种。Police pension system is a kind of social security system for the wound and disability police and the family of the bereaved police, generally including disability pension and death pension.

李小平是刘倩的一位病友,她只有二十六岁,爱人不慎感染艾滋病,又传染给她,腹中的孩子也未能幸免,不久丈夫就病故了。Liu Qian Li Xiaoping is one of the patients, she is only 26 years old, wife accidentally infected with HIV and its transmission to her unborn child , can not escape, and soon the husband died.

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同年,傅抱石因母亲病故,由日本返回中国,并应徐悲鸿先生之邀到中央大学艺术系任教。In the same year, Fu Baoshi returned back China from Japan as his mother passed away. Later, upon invitation of Mr. Xu Beihong, he went to teach at the Department of Arts of Central University.

第二部分广福生平概述,基本上复原了广福的生平活动,明确了他的蒙古镶蓝旗旗籍、病故日期和早年从军伊犁的经历。In the second part, with an overview of the life of the Guang Fu, most of his experiences are accounted in which the verified identification of XiangLanqi of Mongolia and his expired date are defined.