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没有重力。No gravity.

重力水柜在哪里?Where is the gravitation tank?

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其原因在于月球的重力。The reason lies in its gravity.

我们以后会讲到重力Later on, we know about gravity.

重力和时间一样也是不存在的。Gravity –like time- does not exist.

只是不用抵抗重力了They have just stopped fighting it.

你无法逆着重力运动。You cannot walk up against gravity.

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一个腕带式反重力装置。A wrist-mounted anti-gravity device.

亿万年来我们一直在和重力抗争。Millions of years we fought gravity.

因为重力是这个方向的。Because gravity is in this direction.

没有重力,东西可能飘起来。Everything can float without gravity.

相反,水自动通过重力移动上来。Instead, the water moves via gravity.

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所有的恒星的重力都与其压力相平衡。All stars balance gravity with pressure.

此外,反重力如何影响埋地单位?Also, how does it affect burrowed units?

只有重力,没有推拉与之抵消。Nothing is pulling on you, only gravity.

它们平面垂直于重力。The surface is perpendicular to gravity.

我们转移他的重力中心。We shift the gravitational center of it.

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反重力等离子,磁力场Antigravity Plasma, Magnetic force fields

快门故障安全和重力喂养。The shutter is fail safe and gravity fed.

只不过它们不会像有重力时那样运动They just won't act the way gravity does.