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滋润干燥的皮肤。Moisturize dry skin.

在汗湿的头发上套上一顶干燥的帽子。Put a dry hat on wet hair.

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第二个作用是,它像一个干燥器。Second, it acts as a dryer.

他们就靠那干燥的土地生活。They live on the arid land.

电池极板干燥机“,”Battery Grid Drying Machine.

我讨厌干燥沉闷的天气。I hate these dry dreary days.

你的头发干燥又易断吗?Is your hair dry and brittle?

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空气中透着干燥和一种灰尘的味。The air smells dry and dusty.

我在干燥机里发现一个鞋腰!I found aquarterin the dryer !

了解干燥性综合征。Understand Sjogren's syndrome.

干燥的皮肤要使用润肤剂。Use an emollient for dry skin.

勿在干燥状态下使用。Do not use under dry condition.

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干燥咳痰多吃梨。Drying expectoration eat pears.

低温下干燥迅速。Quick drying at low temperature.

贮存于干燥通风处。Store in a dry ventilated place.

我住在象沙漠一样干燥的地方。I live in dry areas like deserts.

在这种干燥的气候下,我的嘴唇皲裂了。My lips chap in this dry weather.

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气干燥皮子都皱了。The dry air shrivels the leather.

干燥花色泽美妙。Fantastic tinct of the dry flowers.

清洁用湿布和空气干燥。Clean with a damp cloth and air dry.