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她比那窝囊家伙更得意。She has more pride than the wimpless guy.

相比之下,那些被认为较窝囊的男人食指则更长。By contrast those seen as wimpiersorts will have longer index fingers.

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胸膜下蜂窝囊泡可见于数个相邻层面。Subpleural honeycomb cysts typically occur in several contiguous layers.

毕竟,我们是个窝囊的国家,一直就有个窝囊政府。After all, we're a cowardly nation. We've long had a cowardly government.

利物浦什么时候曾经如此窝囊的在默西塞德德比中投降过?HAVE Liverpool ever surrendered the Merseyside derby in such a gutless manner?

如今我们还有个窝窝囊囊的预算草案,这是窝囊预算程序的第一步。And now, we have a draft cowardly budget, the first step in our cowardly budgeting process.

我们幼稚的给了曼联太多空间去自由发挥,太打击了,太让人失望了,我们标志性的打法不见了,这样输球太窝囊了。We gave them too much room and were naive. It's a massive blow and a massive disappointment.

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如果生活已那么尖锐地残酷,我们连空口说说的尖锐都没有,那也太窝囊了!When life becomes this poignant and cruel, only losers might not even have the guts to speak it out!

和精明、干练、漂亮的妈妈相比,爸爸显得木呐、窝囊、颓唐。Compare with astute, spell able, beautiful mom photograph, father appears Mu Na, feel vexed, dejected.

目的探讨彩超引导下腘窝囊肿介入治疗的价值。Objective To evaluate the efficacy of color ultrasound-guided interventional treatment for popliteal cyst.

目的探讨关节镜下腘窝囊肿的治疗方法和疗效。To investigate a new treatment method of popliteal cyst under arthroscope and evaluate its effects meanwhile.

每一个周五,我必定会做恶梦,梦里我永远是窝囊到极点。The problem was that I had the nightmares every single Friday, and in every one of them I was totally incompetent.

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他,身材魁梧,在别人眼里,他的一生,活得很是窝囊,枉为男人。He is tall and strong, but people do not think he is deserved to be called as a man because of the hopeless life he live.

通过关节镜观察腘窝囊肿的腔室,腔室的内壁平滑且没有滑膜炎症。Arthroscopic visualization of the cavity of the cyst showed that the inside wall of the cavity was smooth and had no synovitis.

其中40例为腘窝囊肿,16例为膝部腱鞘囊肿,10例为半月板囊肿,4例为髌前滑囊炎。Of 70 cases of cysts, 40 cases are popliteal cysts, 16 cases ganglions, 10 cases cysts of menisci and 4 cases prepatellar bursitis.

比如她用潜在人格开发仪把窝囊的王援朝变成了个暴脾气等。For instance she developed appearance to turn the king aid day of feel vexed into a cruel disposition to wait with potential character.

李震试图安慰依玲,依玲却希望他去追雨瞳,这样张深就可以回到自己身边,还骂哥哥窝囊。On li zhen tried to comfort, according to the ling but want him to go after the rain, the pupil so deep can return to her side, also called brother cowardly.

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但你已拥有百万奖券,却窝囊得不敢兑现,你去屎吧.我会不惜一切交换你所拥有的!But you, you're sittin' on a winning lottery ticket and you're too much of a pussy to cash it in. And that's bullshit 'cause I'd do anything to have what you got!

老婆很年轻,可我越来越不像个男人,她对我整天冷言冷语,我躲着她吧,她又说我是看上了别的女人了,真是窝囊又烦心。Wife is very young, but I more and more like a man, she gave me a whole day mocking words, I hid her, she said that I was seeing another woman, it is cowardly and worry.

在他成为英雄之前,他的世界一次又一次的分崩离析,因此我们需要的演员是那种即便主角在窝囊时刻也能吸引观众眼球的人。His world is falling apart, and there are times when he's not a nice guy, so we needed an actor audiences will still follow even when the character is being a bit of an ass.