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我感到灰心丧气。I'm downhearted.

我感到灰心丧气。I felt dispirited.

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你灰心丧气,感到无力。You feel deflated. Enervated.

一想到这件事他就感到灰心丧气。He despaired at the thought of it.

别让失败使你灰心丧气。Don't let defeat fill you with gloom.

她那些话使他极端灰心丧气。Her words made his heart burn with frustration.

试图改变它只会使你灰心丧气和精疲力竭。Trying to change it only frustrates and exhausts you.

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但对那些灰心丧气的人我却低声说40岁生活才开始。But to the despondent I whisper that life begins at40.

还有那么多工作要做,弄得他灰心丧气。He was daunted by the amount of work still to be done.

克服你的灰心丧气,突破上帝在你面前设下的难关。Resist discouragement and finish the race God has set before you.

你没有必要灰心丧气,很简单这只是你每天都要做的选择。You don’t have to settle, it’s simply a choice you make every day.

如今在就业市场上找份工作实非易事,这叫人灰心丧气。Looking for a job in this market is awfully difficult and discouraging.

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请不要放弃希望。没有理由灰心丧气。“Please do not give up hope. There is no reason to lose heart,” she said.

虽然今天输了球,我并不觉得十分灰心丧气。Even though I took a tough loss today, I don't feel discouraged in any way.

停掉一个项目会让人们灰心丧气,个人产生挫败感和负罪感。Halting a project causes frustration, a sense of personal failure, and guilt.

这些人以前从未冷落过他,而今却对他冷若冰霜,真使他灰心丧气。He was depressed by the coldness of these humans who had never been cold before.

当你灰心丧气的时候,去看看喜剧。毕竟,笑是解愁良药。When you're down and blue, go to a comedy. After all, laughter is the best medicine.

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在你未来的“十年命运”中,你面临的第四个陷阱是灰心丧气和迟延不前。The fourth pitfall you will face during your Decade of Destiny is discouraging delays.

晚上他躺在行军床上睡不着觉,灰心丧气难熬难挨。At night he would lie sleepless on his cot, suffering an almost unbearable frustration.

另外,如果之后的减肥速度没有之前那样快时,也没有必要灰心丧气。Don't get discouraged if your rate of weight loss slows a bit after bigger initial losses.