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如今,饥荒再次肆虐这个国家。Now famine again stalks the land.

即使这样,衰退正四下肆虐。Even so, a recession is under way.

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尽管雨神肆虐,我还是到了此地!Here I am in spite of St. Swithin!

季夏是蚊子肆虐的时候。Late summertime is mosquito season.

超级台风将肆虐沿海的城市。Super-hurricanes hit coastal cities.

但肆虐的大火却夺去了13名消防员的生命。But the fire overran them, and 13 died.

它是一只大型的猫科动物,在丛林里奔跑肆虐。It is a big cat that hunts in the jungle.

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龙卷风在密苏里平原肆虐横行。A tornado rips across the Missouri Plains.

带者瘟疫肆虐张狂,直把婚礼变成灵堂。And blights with Plagues the Marriage hearse.

黑影西渐,飞龙肆虐。Westering, the shadow, ravaging, the dragons.

在海浪肆虐的峭壁上,我明白了。I understand, beyond the surf beating barranca.

当罪恶煽动巨翼在战斗中肆虐。When Sin claps his broad wings over the battle.

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我过去也生活在在这种瘟疫肆虐的地区。I too used to live in the grip of this epidemic.

商铺关张,水媒传染病肆虐。Businesses shut down and water-borne diseases spread.

寒风卷着雨夹雪,在池塘上肆虐。The wind was whipping waves of sleet across the pond.

不知甲流还要肆虐多久!Do not know how long the AH1N1 flu willful persecution!

他发现自己的哥哥住在一套破旧肮脏、蟑螂肆虐的公寓里。He found his brother in a seedy, roach -infested apartment.

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而且,木薯褐色条斑病仍在莫桑比克肆虐。And the cassava brown streak problem in Mozambique rages on.

而在南半球,这十年间干旱肆虐。But in the Southern Hemisphere, drought dominated the decade.

这是筋肆虐的战争,雇主和雇员之间。That is the sinew raging war between employers and employees.