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请传盐巴给我。Please pass me the salt.

他加了一些盐巴在面里面。He add some salt in the noodle.

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玛丽,麻烦把盐巴递给我,好吗?Mary, can you hand me the salt?

放少量的盐巴到汤中。Put a pinch of salt into the soup.

生生的伤口被填满盐巴The raw wound was packed with salt

盐巴和胡椒为食物增添美味。Salt and pepper add flavor to food.

应该用糖,她却加了盐巴。Instead of using sugar, she used salt.

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当你将盐巴加入水中会发生什麽变化吗?What happens if you add salt to water?

若将这匙盐巴放到湖水里,就几乎感觉不出什麽了。A spoon of salt in a lake is almost unnoticed.

若你改变盐巴的添加量,会有什麽变化?What happens if you change the amount of salt you add?

今天是什么人煮,放那么多盐巴,那么咸怎么能吃?But whoever cooked the food today, put so much salt in it.

我甚至不吃盐巴,改用柠檬汁来调味。I also missed salt and so substituted lemon juice for flavor.

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当你将盐巴加入水中,就自制了盐水。When you add salt to the water you create saltwater, or saline.

原来我在仓促之间,误买了一包盐巴。It turned out that in a hurry, I bought a bag of salt by mistake.

跨过了千山万岭,驮走鹿茸麝香,换来盐巴茶叶。Crossing the mountains, trading tea and salt with antlers and musks.

然后放入大碗中,洒上盐揉搓均匀,确保每片菜叶都要上盐巴。Place the cabbage in a large bowl and sprinkle salt over each layer.

看到孩子们带着的一罐罐盐巴腌制的咸菜丝,这位乡村教师出身的县长心里一阵泛酸。Noticing the full jars of pickles they had with them, Chen, once a village teacher, was distraught.

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今天是什么人煮,放那么多盐巴,那么咸怎么能吃?But whoever cooked the food today, put so much salt in it. How can anyone swallow something like this!

添加少许而非大量像盐巴之类的调味料便可确保比萨不被视为垃圾食物。Sparse rather than generous addition of spices such as salt ensure that pizza need not be considered junk food.

只要在水里加一茶匙盐巴,身体向前弯、头偏向一边,然后把水倒入鼻子里面。Just put a teaspoon of salt in the water, bend forward, turn your head to the side and pour that water in your nose.