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但我,相信随遇而安。But I believe in settling.

保罗总是随遇而安,不过他很快长大。Paul was happy-go-lucky, but he grew up fast.

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从今以后,像蒲公英一样,随遇而安。Henceforth , like dandelions , happy-go-lucky.

用心甘情愿的态度,过随遇而安的生活。Use of willing attitude, a happy-go-lucky life.

许多孟买人都有“随遇而安”的生活态度。A lot of Bombay people have a chalta hai attitude.

生活可以随遇而安,而生命中必须有所坚持。Suioueran life can be, and must adhere to in life.

那些风中轻飘的飞蓬,是植物界随遇而安的典型。The bitter fleabane in the wind is a typical drifting plant.

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是应该随遇而安,随波逐流,还是应该改变现状?!Should be adaptable, drift, or should we change the status quo?

最好的生活是用心甘情愿的态度,撸舞过随遇而安的生活。The best life is use of willing attitude, a happy-go-lucky life.

总之,装修会把一个理想主义者磨成随遇而安的人。Anyhow, decorate meet the person with an an idealist happy-go-lucky wear.

山谷里常常没有小客栈,登山者只好随遇而安。Often a valley boasted no inn at all, and climbers found shelter wherever they could.

还是随遇而安,充分享受生活带来的酸甜苦辣呢?来分享你的人生态度吧。Or will you feel at ease at all circumstances and enjoy the joys and sorrows of life?

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但是,美丽人生的一条铁律,就是随遇而安。But a life of beauty does have a fixed rule, which is to feel satisfied with your present.

随遇而安的人会认为一切事情都是命中注定。People with an external locus of control think that everything that happens to them is fate.

快餐时代里随遇而安的爱情,可以暖胃,暖心,还是养身?Age go with the flow of love fast food, you can warm stomach, warm the heart, or self-cultivation?

人活在这个世界上,就不要亏待了自己,所以我常用随遇而安来提醒自己。People living in this world, don't maltreat yourself, so I make the commonly used to jog his memory.

海宁一开始懊恼采访乱了套,幸好身旁的仲文鼓励她随遇而安。Haining chagrin haywire interview at the beginning, fortunately beside ZhongWen encouraged her to settle.

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最幸福的人不一定事事都最如意。他们只是事事都能随遇而安。The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

社会教导我们说人无完人,所以我们得降低标准,随遇而安。Society tells us that since nobody’s perfect, we should lower our standards and settle for what we can get.

该来的总会到来,要走的总会远走,让一切都随遇而安,心灵才不会受伤。The arrival of the Federation, the Association went to go , so all happy-go-lucky soul will not be injured.