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开始计划你下次出游。Start planning your next outing.

我想是你首先欠我一次出游,对吧?I think you owe me a trip first”?

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她们和那两兄弟一起参加两对男女的出游。They double-dated the two brothers.

伦敦昨晚出游的不只有约迪。Here's more of Jodie out in London last night.

我们定要少购物,少阅读,少出游。We need to buy less, read less and travel less.

欢迎喜好摄影和踏青旅游的单身朋友一起出游。Welcome you who share the same hobbies to join us!

由于汽车工业的发展,我们不用挤公交车,可以自由地享受乘自己的车出游,可以悠闲地去更多的地方。own cars, we can go to more places in a leisure way.

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风和日丽好出游,山欢水笑待嘉宾。Good weather out, Huan Shan water to be guests laugh.

也许你想找个更适合全家出游的地方。Maybe you’re looking for something more family oriented.

今天我很高兴和我的同学一起出游。I had a pleasant outing with some of my classmates today.

“呐!呐!”马嘶道。“想一起出游吗?”"Neigh! Neigh! " said the horse. "Want to go for a ride?"

“游”涵盖游泳、舟船和出游。"Tours" includes swimming, the boat ship and the traveling.

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八大景点老少咸宜,最适合全家出游。Eight spots suitable for all ages, the most family friendly.

当局禁止他出游,他的资产也被冻结。He was banned from traveling and his assets have been frozen.

就算仅仅是跟那些大胆的出游者们挥手告别,我也得冒着生命危险。Even waving good-by to a daring traveler is fraught with perils.

在这个过程中,他发现每一次出游都能获得不同的体验。In doing so, he experienced travel differently with each voyage.

新年最后一天,全家出游踏青,以避邪恶。The last day of New Year, the whole family Ta-Qing to avoid evil.

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在国内,最热门的出游地主要是最寒冷和最温暖的地方。The hottest choices are the country's coldest and warmest regions.

塔米莎以前出游时,一天总会给她打好几个电话或发短信。Usually, Tamitha phoned or sent text messages several times a day.

此文内容主要是在纪录王羲之和友人出游相会在「兰亭」。It recorded the tour of Wang Hsi-chih and a friend at Orchid Pavilion.