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说着他就伸手去拿我那一首诗。He was reaching for my poem.

你再做一遍,他会伸手去拿You do it again, reach for it.

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他伸手到衣袋里摸硬币。He dug for coins in his pocket.

婴儿伸手去拿苹果。The baby reached for the apples.

汉森伸手取拿他的香烟。Hansen reached for his cigarette.

他伸手在门上检测然后门开了。He palmed the door and it opened.

斯旺森再次伸手去够无线电话机。Swanson reached for the radio again.

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本人伸手到桌子那端去拿果酱。I reached across the table for the jam.

一个强壮的铁匠伸手过来抓他。A brawny blacksmith made a reach for him.

在伸手不见五指的黑暗中,我什么也看不见。I couldn't see through the thick darkness.

他蹒跚走来,伸手猛抓小鸡。He toddled over and pounced on the chicken.

我冷哼一声,伸手便把火球打飞。Lingheng sound of a hand put fireballs fly.

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他伸手到口袋,掏出了一些钱。He stretched into his pocket for some money.

我不信邪,一伸手就给抓住了,然后被叮了一下。I reached up and caught it, and it stung me.

他伸手将地图册从顶屋书架上取下。He reached down the atlas from the top shelf.

我惊跳起来,伸手去触摸你。I start up and stretch my hands to touch you.

伸手摘星,筑一个自己喜欢的梦。Picking the star to set up a dream of myself.

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百万几时有,伸手问青天。When there are millions, asked reach the sky.

罗丝从她的座位上站起来伸手去拿那束玫瑰花。Rose rose from her seat to reach for the rose.

我伸手拿起包,抚摸着其中的器械。I reach into my bag, to caress the instruments.