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内藏板式蒸发器,换热效率高。Built-in plate evaporator, in high thermal efficiency.

多层操作可以提高热效率。A multistage operation improves the thermal efficiency.

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依据流动分析,给出了一些提高镁还原炉热效率的措施。Methods The water iodine was tested with segmenled flow analysis.

一个压缩过程分几次压缩,热效率高。A compression process of times compressed, high thermal efficiency.

太阳能热水器的热效率预测方法研究。Research on thermal efficiency forecast method of solar water heaters.

对家用燃气热水器的热平衡及热效率进行分析。The thermal balance and thermal efficiency of domestic gas water heater are analyzed.

缫丝厂现行小烘丝装置热效率低,热量损耗大。The current reel silk drying device results in low heat efficiency but high heat loss.

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能耗低、换热效率高、处理量大、易清洗。Low energy consumption, high heat exchanging efficiency, high capacity and easy cleaning.

多回程烟道,具有最佳换热效果,热效率高。Multi-return stroke smoke passage has the best heat transform effect and high efficiency.

本设计的要点是加热炉高的热效率,提高燃油的利用率。The gist of the present furnace design with high thermal efficiency and fuel utilization.

大大提高了集热效率,使热水温度更高,升温更快。Raise consumedly gather a hot efficiency, make the hot water temperature higher, heat sooner.

本文介绍新型空调节能设备——全热交换器的结构、工作原理、热效率及其应用。The total heat exchanger is a new type of energy saving equipment for air-conditioning units.

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变压器用油浸自冷片式散热器换热效率的提高,主要取决其结构的优化设计。Heat transfer efficiency of heat exchanger used for ONAN transformer is decided by its structure.

正因如此,我们开发出了新一代的套锅和煎锅让您现有的炉头得到最大的热效率。The new generation of pots and pans work great to raise the efficiency rate on an existing stove.

然而,要进一步提高炉子热效率还需不断改进。In order to raise the thermal efficiency of the furnace some uninterrupted improvements are needed.

分析表明,皮江法炼镁工艺中所使用的热工设备热效率很低。It is known that the thermal efficiency is very low in the process of Pidgeon's magnesium reduction.

给水加热器安装的数量越多,热效率的改善越大。The greater the number of feed-heaters installed, the greater the improvement in thermal efficiency.

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空气预热器的热交换效率对整个锅炉的热效率影响很大。Heater exchanger efficiency of air preheater was important influence of heat efficiency on the boiler.

蒸发器中产品气与反应物料之间的换热效率是过程的敏感因素。The heat exchange efficiency between the reformate a nd cool reactants is a significant parameter too.

介绍了一个玻璃池炉热效率计算程序的实例。A computer programme example on heat efficiency calculations of a glass tank furnace has been described.