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你在这里的时间已屈指可数。The few while you are here.

P-45的日子可能屈指可数了。P-45's days may be numbered.

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连一只猫也只有屈指可数的几条命,何况人乎?Even a cat has limited number of lives.

但是这样的外援项目屈指可数。But such projects are few and far between.

实际上,这里有所回报的行业屈指可数。Actually, it is one of the few industries that does.

只有屈指可数的几张照片包含严肃的舞蹈信息。Only a handful contain any serious dance information.

美元继续作为国际储备货币的日子屈指可数了。Its days as the world’s reserve currency are numbered.

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美国独霸全球经济主导地位的日子已屈指可数了。The days of U.S. global economic dominance are numbered.

世界上,拥有书法艺术的民族屈指可数。Few nations in the world have calligraphy as a form of art.

在岛屿上,奢华酒店的数量可谓“屈指可数”,酒店的每一个房间都有一个“露天浴室”可以在洗澡的同事享受海风拂面的感觉。Only a handful of luxury villas are dotted across the island.

目前这样的装置还只有一台,但窃听者的末日屈指可数了。Now that there is one, the eavesdropper’s days may be numbered.

叛逃的人起先屈指可数,后来越来越多,汇成了一股源源不断的人流。From a handful, the number of desertions grew to a steady stream.

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但是整个中国,像赵女士这样流利使用满语的人屈指可数。But in all of China, there are only a handful of people like Ms Zhao.

类显得不够重量级,仅仅包含屈指可数的几个成员。Classes seem without enough weight, consisting of only a few members.

除此了一些水牛外,见到的动物屈指可数。Otherwise seeing animals was very scarce, beside some water buffalos.

我们来北京已经8个月了,到现在为止只见过屈指可数的几次小雨。We've been in Beijing eight months and have only felt a few drizzles.

确实如此的话,这将会是30年来屈指可数的几次拐点中的一次。Such a turning point would be one of only a handful over the past 30years.

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多数全科医师在职业生涯中见到的癌症病例屈指可数,而且诊断起来极为不易。Most GPs only see a few cancers in their career and diagnosis is difficult.

当西蒙内塔看到伊沃的那一瞬间,他独身生活的日子就屈指可数了。The instant Simonetta had set eyes on Ivo, his bachelor days were numbered.

工作中的决策往往非此即彼,或者在屈指可数的方案中进行选择。Decisions at work tend to be binary, or between a manageable number of options.