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让我们保持低调。Let's keep it low-key!

而且他也很低调。And he's also low-pitched.

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低调做人,高调做事。Low-life, high-profile work.

于欣源低调表示。Yan in a low-key source said.

怎样才能排除低调的情绪?。How can ability eliminate low-key mood?

我们没有销售任何东西,整个活动非常低调。We don't sell anything. It's very low key.

班吉,我们正努力保持低调。Benji, we are trying to keep a low profile.

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中国的领导人如此低调并非没有道理。China’s leaders have reason to be sheepish.

借用一句话。我有很低调的文字欲。I have the very low-keyed characters desire.

低调点,这会不会输得那么惨。Low-key point, which would not lose so badly.

这样会使我们的球员变得低调,而且变得饥渴。This makes the player humber and stay hungry.

并且,用临时的博客帖子“低调的”发布?And the "low-key" launch via casual blog post?

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我认为贝内特先生整个赛季都很低调。Bennett was that low-profile during the season.

他在面试中显得很低调。His interviewing style was on the low-key side.

所以对冲基金常常十分低调As a result, hedge funds have a very low profile.

嘘!嘘!嘘!低调!低调!都低调!Sh! Sh! Shhh! Be low-pitched, be low-pitched. All.

梁稳根相当低调,远离了公众的视线。Liang Wengen is quite low, away from the public eye.

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媒体对伤残奥运的报导相当低调。Media coverage of the Paralympics is rather low-key.

公司年度报告中显示,这位低调的公司主席年届76岁。The annual report lists low-profile Tang’s age as 76.

这位谦逊、低调的绅士将为利物浦指引正确的方向。This modest and self-effacing man will do Liverpool good.