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会堵塞毛孔吗?Will it clog my pores?

色调和收紧毛孔。Freshens, tones and tightens pores.

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排毒皮肤和收紧毛孔。Detoxifies the skin and tighten pores.

汗毛孔在这里是一个代用词。Sweat pores here is a generation term.

汗从皮肤上的毛孔中渗出。Sweat exudes through the pores in the skin.

亚玛逊白泥毛孔深层清洁面膜。Kiehl's . Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque.

躲着冷冷的角落里。冷透过每个毛孔。Hide chilly in the corner. Cold through every pore.

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由于油,毛孔很粗大,还很冗杂长痘痘。The oil, the pore is very thick, very jumbled acne.

这样有助于去除死皮细胞清洁毛孔。This will remove dead skin cells and unblock pores.

通过皮肤上的毛孔排泄汗液。To excrete perspiration through the pores of the skin.

它能够净白肌肤、收敛毛孔,并充当去角质剂。It is a good skin toner and can be added to deodorants.

用面膜扫搅起泡沫,涂在毛孔阻塞的地方5-10分钟,然后�去。Apply on the clogged areas for 5-10 minutes with steams.

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帮助收缩毛孔令肌肤紧致。Helps to reduce the size of skin pores for tighter skin.

使用后立即清除黑头粉刺,清洁毛孔及油垢。Instantly removes pore-clogging dirt, oil and blackheads.

它渗入你的毛孔和刺激你的后背。It seeps into your pores and tingles the back of your neck.

然而这样却会引起堵塞毛孔或者是刺激皮肤。The heaviness can result in clogged pores or irritated skin.

对视觉而言,毛孔明显,脸上油腻则无疑是油性皮肤。The visual, the pores clear, oily face, oily skin is no doubt.

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为了抵抗肌肤老化和收缩毛孔,可以在晚上开始使用松香油。Start using retinol at night to fight aging and minimize pores.

汗水会清洗毛孔让皮肤变得光亮。The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow.

无聊就像汗水一般正从他们的每一个毛孔中渗出来,我也一样。The boredom was just seeping out of their very pores and mine too.