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我们就协定取得一致意见。We agree the stipulations.

1733年法国和西班牙订立了协定。In 1733 France compacted with Spain.

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促进了基于协定的编程。Promotes contract-based programming.

他们不久就撕毁了贸易协定。They soon tore up the trade agreement.

就如同朋友之间的协定一般。It's like an agreement between friends.

协定自元月一日起生效。The agreement tooks effect as of January.

它是未来任何协定的血液。It's the lifeblood of any future agreement.

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阵营订了停火的协定。The two camps made a bargain to cease fire.

我能享受税收协定的待遇吗?Can I enjoy the treatment of the tax treaty?

但是以色列还说,它更愿意再次实施停火协定。Said that it prefers to renew the ceasefire.

本协定已在北京草签。The agreement has been initialed in Beijing.

他们称这一协定为就业杀手。The agreement, they said, was “job-killing.”

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在这个协定中路易完全倾向于亨利。In the Mise, Louis sided entirely with Henry.

译两国签署了互不侵犯协定。The two countries made a non-aggression pact.

必须与有关租用和NDA协定的工作。Must work with Work For Hire and NDA agreement.

他们的进攻行动违反了停火协定。The attack breached their cease-fire agreement.

LAPD建基于HDLC之上,也属于资料链结层协定之一种。LAPD is a data link layer protocol based on HDLC.

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条款、协定、合约与默示同意Terms, Conditions, Agreements and Implied Consent

这个名字是函数式编程的协定。This name is a functional programming convention.

他受到破坏协定的指责。He was stigmatized as a violator of the agreement.