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寒冷刺骨,星辰明亮。Bitter cold and bright stars.

星辰殒落,火光四起。Falling, the star, flaming, the fire.

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在纯然的寂静中仰望星辰。Look'd up in perfect silence at the stars.

启明星辰的天清入侵防御系统。Venus's Tianqing Intrusion Prevention System.

明亮如清辉流泻的星辰。The brightness, such as pure , flows of stars.

马阿拉路的星辰广场上的咖啡馆及餐厅。Rue Maarad cafes and restaurants off Place d'Etoile.

如果一个人渴望独处,就请他注目于星辰吧。But if a man would be alone, let him look at the stars.

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那就以“仙女座”的名义——那颗最明亮的星辰。Which was in the name of Andromeda, the brightest star.

我要捕捉星辰,他们正召唤着,我能听见。Shooting for the stars, and they callin' , I can hear it.

事实上,吠陀的雅利安语是用作神化太阳,星辰和慧星。C. Vedic Aryans in fact deified the Sun, Stars and Comets.

我们主要关注地平线和黄道附近的星辰。Attention was concentrated on the horizon and the ecliptic.

幸福有限责任公司震惊星辰The Firm of Happiness, Limited was one to astonish the stars

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用我那镶着明亮星辰的竹笔,我把月亮描画。With my bamboo pen holding bright stars, the moon I portray.

我拥有满天星辰,但我为我家居未点亮的小灯而轻叹。I have stars in the sky but oh for my little lamp unlit in my house.

希望命运的风带著你奔向夜空,与星辰共舞。And may the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.

再到南桥上,遥远星辰,犹见划痕。And then to South Bridge, the distant stars, still see the scratches.

送给你一颗闪亮的星辰,略表我的祝福与关怀。Let me give you a shining star as a token of my blessing and concern.

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星辰为宇航员们提供了生活和工作的场所。Zvezda has living and working quarters for astronauts and cosmonauts.

在他们房上微笑的星辰,送给我们以同样的闪亮。The stars that smile on their cottage send us the same twinkling look.

它们是清晓的摇篮,它们是星辰的王国。They are the cradle of the mourning, they are the kingdom of the stars.