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地心引力不懈地拖曳着我的眼皮。Gravity is tugging on my eyelids.

啊,地心引力,你是一个无情无义的婊子。Ah gravity, thou are a heartless bitch.

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灰色长裙下的她就像一股地心引力牢牢将他吸住。She is a force of gravity in her long gray dress.

Youth浪涌&反地心引力的奶油是一个金黄组合。Youth surge & Anti-gravity cream is a golden combination.

黑洞等同于地心引力大失控,一切都难逃一劫。A black hole is gravity gone mad, nothing can ever escape.

当太阳能量耗尽,地心引力会使得太阳核心缩小。When it does, gravity will cause the sun’s core to contract.

在摄影作品中,我想脱离地心引力。In art I want to be free from the earth’s gravitational pull.

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另一条路是去计算相关的地心引力。Another approach is to compute the gravitational forces involved.

疯狂,你知道的,就像地心引力一样。只要轻轻地推它一把。Madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push.

我们无时无刻都在对抗地心引力,不论是生活作息或睡眠。We are counteracting gravity every second, in daily life or sleeping.

在爱斯托尼亚号上,贺斯特爬上梯子,与地心引力对抗。On the Estonia, Härstedt climbed up the stairwell, fighting against gravity.

地心引力法则描述和量化了两个物体间的吸引力。The law of gravity describes and quantifies the attraction between two objects.

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这个诗人,弗罗斯特,终究还是受制于地心引力,受制于地球的力量。The poet, after all, is subject to gravity in Frost, to the force of the earth.

东西越小,地心引力对它的吸力越小,重量也就越轻。The thing the smaller the pull of gravity on it the less and the weight the less.

虽然这些极限运动员看起来好像识得违抗地心引力﹐但是他们还需要服从物理的守法。It may seem like these extremersdefy gravity, they still have to obey the laws of physics.

借由他这些静态表演,这位德国艺术家似乎推翻了地心引力定律。With his still-life performances, this German artist seems to unhinge the laws of gravity.

我跳起来,旋转,绕着每个星球的圆周行进,玩笑般的对付着地心引力。I leap, I spin, I navigate the circumference of each spherical planet, toying with gravity.

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要想射中靶,必须瞄准比靶略为高些,因为脱弦之箭都受到地心引力的影响。You must aim higher if you want to shot in the target for the arrow is affected by gravity.

你可能已经觉察到那时候的你感到非常沉重,昏昏欲睡,感觉地心引力都变得更大。You may have noticed that you feel extra heavy, lethargic, that you feel gravity's pull is greater.

你可能已经觉察到那时候的你感到非常沉重,昏昏欲睡,感觉地心引力都变得更大。You may have noticed that you feel extra heavy, lethargic, that you feel gravity’s pull is greater.