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她的脸色白了。Her face whitened.

阿切尔太太脸色煞白。Mrs. Archer paled.

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她看起来脸色苍白。She looked quite pale.

你脸色红润。You have a high colour.

他这几天脸色好。He looks well these days.

他的脸色马上阴沉下来。His face scowled at once.

冉阿让脸色惨白。Jean Valjean turned pale.

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那个人总是脸色发青。That man is always livid.

他脸色红润,头发金黄。He was all rosy and blond.

你为什么变了脸色呢?Why is your face downcast?

德拉库拉伯爵,您脸色发白。Count Dracula, you're pale.

他气得脸色发紫。He became purple with rage.

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吴荪甫的脸色突然变了。Suddenly, her face changed.

蜡黄的脸色预示厄运就要降临。With the yellow face of Doom.

她因羞愧脸色通红。Her face crimsoned from shame.

她的脸色变成灰色。Her face faded away into grey.

脸色黄是为什么?。Is complexion fizzles out why?

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她因震惊脸色都白了。NO9. She went pale with shock.

我从未见过她的脸色如此苍白!Never have I seen her so pale.

她脸色一阵苍白。A paleness overspread her face.