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我动辄就哭哭啼啼。I often cry.

一块羊脂白玉的价值动辄成千上万,甚至价值连城。One suet-jade may costs thousands of money or even priceless.

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她不再动辄傻笑而且看上去从没有这么完美。She wasn’t so giggly anymore and she had never looked better.

长大后,自然动辄忤逆反抗,成为一个不孝子。When they grow up they will rebel and become unfilial children.

他们可能推卸责任,变得不快,动辄发脾气。They may deny responsibility and became moody, volatile or angry.

此外,人们似乎也不像以前那样动辄就会举行百万人的示威游行。Moreover, the popular appetite for mega-protests seems to have waned.

动辄住院和住院过久是常见问题。Excessive inpatient admissions and length of stay are common problems.

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消费者只能在他们动辄数千美元的高昂价格面前望而却步。Consumers balk at their heavy price tags, which typically run into the thousands.

我们一向不赞成在国际事务中动辄诉诸武力或以武力相威胁。We are always in disfavor of the use or threat of force in international affairs.

家庭顾问还提醒家长别动辄把孩子的话奉为神旨。Family counselors remind parents not to take what a child says as the gospel truth.

此外,她也觉得动辄训人并相信人家对她畏惧是颇为有趣的事。Besides, there was some pleasure in shouting at people and knowing they were afraid.

很多初创企业不愿进行动辄上百万的首轮资金筹集。Nowadays a lot of startups don't want to raise multi-million dollar series A rounds.

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理查德·希夫扮演的通讯主任托比·齐格勒很古怪,动辄发火,常常在那里喃喃自语。Richard Schiff is fantastic as Toby Ziegler, the prickly, mumbly Communications Director.

看到国内动辄大塞车,很想知道日本咋回事。When seeing our heavy traffic jam at home, I really want to know why this rarely happens in Japan.

然而许多人预计,市场不会回到零售蓬勃发展年代时动辄数以十亿美元计交易的盛况.However, many do not expect a return to the multibillion dollar deals from the boom years of retail.

在这种动辄法庭上见、政治上正确的时代,讲低级笑话可能会相当危险。In these litigious, politically correct times, the perils of making cheap gags can be considerable.

军队发动内战,动辄废立皇帝,性质已经发生了根本改变。The nature of the army had changed by starting civil war and making or unmaking emperors very often.

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这样的制度,总比漫无标准式的买官、卖官,或动辄利用私交走后门来得强些吧。Thus it is better than gaining official position by corruption and nepotism without right criterion.

拜谒的时候通常要烧香、纸钱和面额动辄千亿的冥币。The visitors normally burn incenses, "paper money" and "Hell Bank Notes" each "worth" multi-billions.

通过平等协商解决问题,不要动辄设限和制裁。Fourth, solve problems through consultation on an equal footing, instead of imposing restriction at will.