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又适逢经济的高速增长It's tied in with our sense of rapid economic growth.

本届委员会的成立适逢其时。The formation of this fifth Committee cannot come at a better time.

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然而所有这一切适逢军事对军事关系改善之时。Yet all this comes even as military-to-military relations are improving.

最近一轮的欧元区危机适逢其时。The latest round of the eurozone crisis could not have come at a better time.

谈及历史和传统,今年适逢香港海关成立一百周年。Talking about heritage, Hong Kong Customs will celebrate its centenary this year.

适逢大财团纷纷涌现,他不厌其烦,尽数此类疯狂兼并和收购的弊端。When conglomerates were the rage, he preached against reckless mergers and acquisitions.

适逢大财团纷纷涌现,他不厌其烦,尽数此类疯狂兼并和收购的弊端。When conglomerates were the rage, he preached against reckless mergers and acquisitions.

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适逢光线恰好照过来,门上的青铜色看上去似乎要着火了。When the light shines just the right way, bronze squares in the doors seem to catch fire.

适逢中国消费者权益日,本周的焦点是一家法国汽车制造商-PSA标致雪铁龙。THIS week's target, on 's Consumer Rights Day, was PSA Peugeot Citroen, a French carmaker.

今天又适逢中国传统节日中秋节。It is so happened that today is also a traditional festival in China, that is Mid-Autumn Day.

现在又适逢全球经济危机,对企业型政府的重视将会进一步提出。Now coincides with the global economic crisis, government-to-business will be further attention.

下星期六适逢国殇日长周末﹐本校循例放假一天﹐祝大家有一个充实的假期。There will be no school on May 29 due to Memorial Day long weekend. Wish everyone a nice holiday.

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今年适逢哈佛大学建校375周年,在此先恭喜各位。So let me start by offering my congratulations to Harvard University as you celebrate your 375th anniversary.

今年适逢美国与中华人民共和国建交30周年,美国也为此感到高兴。The United States is pleased that this year also marks the 30th anniversary of U.S.-PRC diplomatic relations.

我妻子的朋友乔治娅最近离了婚,适逢海湾战争爆发,她试着独力抚养两个儿子。Georgia, a friend of my wife, was recently divorced and trying to raise her two sons when the Gulf War broke out.

上世纪70年代,适逢日本平稳扩张期,日元曾一度低至300日元兑1美元。During the halcyon years of Japanese expansion in the 1970s, the yen sometimes traded as low as 300 to the dollar.

陈说道“盖茨部长在一月份访问中国期间,正适逢我们的歼20隐形战斗机试飞。"Secretary Gates' visit to China in January coincided with the test flight of our J-20 stealth fighter," Chen said.

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我国玉米收获机械化处在发展的初期阶段,适逢一个良好的发展机遇期。The development of maize harvesting mechanization in China is in the initial stage with a good development opportunity.

在现代信息社会的环境下,建设现代化电子化图书馆是必要、现实和适逢其时的。Therefore, it is necessary, realistic and timely to construct the electronic library in the modern communication world.

适逢其时的DV普及运动更是推波助澜,掀起了一股影响甚巨的民间影像浪潮。The timely DV popularization movement made an enhanced effect to the trend then lifted up a profound folk video current.