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逐步实现廉租房与公租房统筹建设、并轨运行。Gradually merger the construction of low-rent public housing and public rentals.

其次在薪酬福利方面,实现现有的双薪酬体系并轨。Second, the pay and benefits, the realization of the merger of the existing dual pay system.

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1994年人民币汇率并轨以来,我国对外贸易发展迅速。Since the combination of RMB exchange rate in 1994, China's foreign trade has been developing rapidly.

构建和谐社会必须重视城乡反贫困模式的并轨。The urban and rural poverty reduction models must be integrated if a harmonious society is to be built.

师范生免费教育为我国自1997年以来大学普遍实行并轨收费的制度划上了一个圆满的句号。Free tuition for students in normal universities puts an end to charging system in university since 1997.

高校并轨后,随着高等教育改革的不断深化,高校助学体系不断完善。With the developing and reforming of higher learning, financial aid of higher learning needs to complete.

现在你需要的是将你的发展方向与你的职业目标“并轨”。And unless you are headed in the perfect direction right now, consistent course corrections will be needed.

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我国自1994年汇率并轨以来,实行的是以市场供求为基础的,单一的有管理的浮动汇率。Since 1994, China has been carrying out a single, managed floating system based on supply and demand in the market.

高校实行“并轨”后,贫困生的绝对人数随之增多,直接影响教育改革和学校稳定。The increase in the absolute number of poor strdents has directly affect the stability of education reform and colleges.

与文学从内容到形式全方位的“并轨”,成为了新时期中国电影从荒芜走向繁荣的主要动因。The omnibearing joint with literature from content to form produces the main impetus for Chinese films to go ahead from winter to summer.

汇率并轨后到1997年底,人民币对美元汇率一直呈现上升态势。After the exchange rate and the axle to 1997 year's end, the Renminbi continuously presented the rise situation to US dollar exchange rate.

去年,上海市的内外销住宅已率先并轨,清除了门坎,以适应入世的需要。Last year, Shanghai has taken the lead in export residential insurance, cleared threshold to meet the requirements for acceding to the WTO.

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从1994年人民币汇率并轨以来,汇率改革主要围绕着汇率形成机制的改革这一核心进行改革。From the 1994 merger of the RMB exchange rate, reforming exchange rate around mainly the exchange rate mechanism reform, as the core of the reform.

我国自1994年实行汇率并轨以来,实行的是“有管理的浮动的汇率政策”。Since China implemented the merging of the exchange rates since 1994, it was "exchange rate policy floating of having management" that was implemented.

第三章、第四章作为本文的主体部分,重点介绍了联邦与加州各自的制度内容,其中联邦部分突出并轨前后的制度变迁。The third, forth chapters focus on the content of the institutions of federal and California. Federal's system stress on the changes between CSRS and FERS.

1994年中国的会计制度“向世界并轨”指的主要就是弃现金基础、采权责基础。When China in 1994 proclaimed the adoption of the Western accounting system, the switch from the cash basis to the accrual basis was the heart of the change.

本文通过阐述生产资料双轨价的利与弊,说明加快并轨的必要性,同时也说明了中国价格改革的目标是建立市场价格体制。By analyzing both the advantages and the disadvantages of two-way prices of means of production, it deals with the necessity in speeding up their incorporation.

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随着本科教育实行收费并轨改革成功后,研究生教育的收费问题也被提到议事日程上来。With the implementation of tuition charge for education of undergraduates, top on the agenda is the possibility of tuition charge for the education of postgraduates.

经过多年努力,国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障向失业保险并轨基本完成。After years of effort, the work of incorporating basic cost of living allowances for workers laid off from SOEs into the unemploymentinsurancesystem has been basically completed.

本文从现在社会的物质条件、社会基础、实践经验等方面充分论证了实行研究生招生并轨的可行性。This paper expounds the feasibility of graduates enrollment integration from the perspectives of the existing social material condition, social base and practical experience as well.