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在三折页的设计上,良将匠心独运,别出心裁,精美图片的插入更是锦上添花。In the design of the three folding, him, classic, elegant picture insert more.

张学良将军是中国近现代史上爱国主义的典型代表。General Zhang Xueliang is a typical representative of patriotism in modern Chinese history.

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各式楼房别墅,掩映在松涛之中,别有情趣,其中最著名的有“林彪楼”和“张学良将军楼”。Various types of villa buildings complement in the soughing and enjoy its unusual appearance.

乔良将军我告诉你吧,自己强大是不怕任何外来侵犯的。真正威胁中国的是中国自己制造的腐败体系!Yes, I really agree with you! Corruption itself not America or Japan is China's biggest enemy!

新奥尔良将会消失于大海,南佛罗里达州、孟加拉国和荷兰大部分地区也会如此。New Orleans would be lost to the sea, much of southern Florida and Bangladesh and most of the Netherlands.

于是,珀尔修斯和阿尔戈斯的精兵良将踏上了寻找地狱三女巫的征程,几个自荐的猎人还有艾奥也加入了这支队伍。He and Argos' finest soldiers embark on a quest to find the Stygian Witches with a pair of hunters and Io following.

然而,防腐蚀铸层与钢脚间的结合不良将削弱锌的阳极保护作用。However the poor bond between the anticorrosion casting coating and steel-foot would weaken the anodic protection of zinc.

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良将自全程合作两年多时间以来,一直围绕公司的建设不断努力。Since the cooperation him more than two years time, the company has been around the construction of the continuous efforts.

张学良将军是中国现代史上一位伟大的爱国者,同时也是一位富有平民情怀的军人。General Peter H. L. Chang as a great patriot in China's modern history was an army man full of populace's thoughts and feelings.

古斯塔夫登陆时的强度为二级风暴,风速大约每小时175公里,预计新奥尔良将连续数小时受到冲击。Gustav came ashore as a Category Two storm, with winds moving at 175 kilometers per hour. It is expected to lash the city for several hours.

帕良将帕峦和樱花带回家后给翁因去信,让他按照信中指定的地点去找女儿。Pat him palmer mountain and cherry blossom to weng for letter after home, let him according to the appointed place in the letter to find her daughter.

羡昕得知羡晴无家可归后,安排她搬到自己的家中暂住,因而得悉兆良将昔日代表与浩勤回忆的灯饰扔掉。Envy xin homeless that envy shine, make arrangements at his home, she moved to stay, so we sign him on behalf of the former and HaoQin memory is acted the role of throw it away.

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后危机时期,政治家及银行家们再觅央行良将必会综合考虑,备选之人必须具备高度的市场灵敏性,能够随时应变从而保证金融稳定。Politicians and bankers hiring central bank talent in the post-crisis era will look for a new blend of skills to keep in touch with markets and ensure financial stability on the fly.

钟良将照片交给赵贵波,照片上的男人是曾是国民党军官后加入皇协军,根据目前掌握的线索韩晓鸥应该就是那个潜伏特务。Clock him photographs to Zhao Guibo, the man in the photo was the Kuomintang officers joined after the emperor of the army, according to the clues Han Xiaoou should be the latent spy.

洪万良将曾念安与厉辰星合谋刺杀刘汉祥的事情和盘托出,上官蕊也前来作证,证明确实是曾念安与厉辰星合谋。Hung over him Ceng Nianan and folded stars of the conspiracy to assassinate Liu Hanxiang things come clean, ShangGuanRui also to testify, is proving Ceng Nianan stars conspired with him.

唐太宗在路上对手下人说,四方基本安定了,就剩下这一块地方了,趁着我还没死,良将们还有精力,一定要解决掉。Taizong said his men on the road, the basic stability of the Quartet, and to the rest of this one place, taking advantage of I'm not dead, good will who have energy, we must to get rid of.