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就这样我们曾与历史擦肩而过。That was our brush with history.

于是有价值的教训与你擦肩而过。And so valuable lessons pass you by.

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我与最后一班公闪车擦肩而过。I was missing the last bus by a whisker.

人们停下,望著,和这雪人擦肩而过。People stop and watch the snow man pass by.

你和人们擦肩而过,邂逅相遇。You brush past people. People bump into you.

他与提利昂擦肩而过出了船舱。He shouldered past Tyrion and out of the cabin.

她在街上与我擦肩而过,却连一声招呼也没打。She passed me in the street without saying hello.

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我不小心缩缩手,它就与我擦肩而过。I do not care shrink scaling back it with my passing.

但他仍对与荣誉和财富擦肩而过的往事耿耿于怀。But he couldn't forget his brush with fame and fortune.

把握身边的幸福吧,不要让它擦肩而过。Grasp the happiness around you, don't let it slip away.

我们都知道,很多人曾和死亡擦肩而过。As we know,there are people who have brushes with death.

偶尔也有三三两两跑步的年轻人擦肩而过。Occasionally, there are 3,322 young people running pass.

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在1986年与哈雷彗星擦肩而过并拍下了其核心。brushed past the hidden nucleus of Halley's comet in 1986.

等擦肩而过时,忽又装作漫不经心地打量着别处。Pass, such as when pretending to casually looked elsewhere.

就像擦肩而过的人影,一晃,便在视线中消散了。As the shadows pass by, a flash, then in the sight dissipated.

痛重新来过还记得你教过俺沉默余温早经擦肩而过。Pain again remember you taught me silent threads by early France.

身旁脚蹬漂亮高跟鞋、身着华服的女士擦肩而过。Women in polished high heels and impeccable coiffures swept past.

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仔细看一看,否则你有可能与美丽的人擦肩而过。Take a good look or you might just miss out that beautiful person.

当他与他们擦肩而过,老人点了点头,冷冷地巴格里奥尼教授。As he passed them, the old man nodded coldly to Professor Baglioni.

擦肩而过,路的两端,蓦然回首,似曾相识。Pass by, at both ends of the road, and suddenly look back, familiar.