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与海藻酸钠相比,SSPS对蛋糕品质的改良作用要略好一些。Compared with sodium alginate, SSPS had better effect on cake.

他认为北极无冰的概率要略低于一半对一半。He thinks there is slightly less than a 50-50 chance the North Pole will be ice-free.

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事实上,最著名的是亚历山大的斐洛,他活的时期要略早于保罗。In fact,the most famous was Philo of Alexandria, who lived a bit before the time of Paul.

中国官方报刊当然会把李娜折桂作为报刊头条,但是它们比我所预想的要略显沉闷。Official Chinese press is of course leading with Li's victory, though less breathless than I'd expected.

对同一种表面形状来说,铝试块比铜试块的摩擦因数要略大。The friction coefficient of aluminum sample is larger than that of the brass sample when the surface is same.

邻居家邻近我家车道的院子地势要略高些,我就是从这个形势中学会“岸”这个词的,这也是这个词最初的含义。A small rise in our neighbor's yard adjacent to our driveway was the original "bank" from which I learned the word.

总结中的问题要有主次、详略之分,该详的要详,该略的要略。Summary of the problem to have primary and secondary, detailed slightly divided, the detail to detail, the brief summary.

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交通为军事之要略,水、路交通建设是广西边防建设的主要内容。The Chamber of military traffic, water, road traffic building is the main content of construction of border areas in Guangxi.

通入氮气可以形成较为稳定的流注放电,流注长度也较氧气要略长一些。While nitrogen is inlet, it can form more stable streamer discharge, the streamer is little longer than that when oxygen is inlet.

比狄拉克年长一岁的海森伯是二十世纪另一位大物理学家,有人认为他比狄拉克还要略高一筹。Some people consider Heisenberg, arguably another one of 20th century's great physicist and one year older, as one notch more superior to Dirac.

在其它恒转矩增转速瞬态工况下,增压器GT35所对应的排气烟度也要略好于增压器TBP4。Under other transient operating conditions, transient smoke emission of engine with turbo-charger GT35 are lower than those with turbo-chargerTBP4.

胚的形态对种子萌发无明显影响,但直胚种子萌发完全时间要略长于弯胚种子。The effect of the form of embryo on germination rate of seeds is not significant, but the germination time of straight embryo is longer than curve embryo.

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对金匮要略硕士研究生阶段教育模式进行反思,探索更合理的教学方法。Master degree educational mode is studied to explore a more reasonable teaching method for the specialty of Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber.

这些差异表明,尽管英国人的生活方式要比美国人更健康,但是美国的医疗保健体系要比英国更完善,老年人的寿命要略长一些。The discrepancies suggests that while English people have healthier lifestyles than Americans, the latter's health care system is better able to patch them up.

当年格鲁吉亚总统谢尔瓦德纳泽乘坐的是比这款要略低一级的奔驰防弹车,在连中两颗火箭弹的情况下仍得以生还。Georgian President Rochelle Wade Naze then take a slightly lower level than this to be bullet-proof Mercedes Benz cars, even in the case of two rockets still be alive.

在这一岗位上,我想要略述高效博客主的七个习惯,并且最为重要的是,我将告诉你如何将这些习惯运用到你自己的博客日常事务中去。In this post, I want to outline seven habits of the highly efficient blogger , and most importantly, explain how you can work these habits into your own blogging routine.

本文还指出MZ—1000型通用埋弧自动焊机只要略加改装即能适应喷水式电弧切割的需要,同时也给出电路改装的接线图。It can be used as are cutting with a water jet when the universal automatic arc welding machine MZ-1000 is slightly modified. And the modified wiring diagram are also given.

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而且就这一点而言,我确信不止是我一人表明在两国关于公共教育的共同文化规范上,中国要略胜美国一筹。And, in this regard, I'm certainly not alone in suggesting the Chinese have an edge on us Americans when it comes to our nations' shared cultural norms about public education.

沿林冠开度的银杉幼树的形态可塑性要略低于生理生态可塑性,但差异不显著。Across the gradient of canopy openness, the phenotypic plasticity index was slightly lower than the ecophysiological plasticity index, but the differences were not significant.

三种植被群落在植物多样性方面差异并不大,草原群落的物种多样性和群落均匀度要略小于乔木林和灌木林群落。Differences of the plant diversity of these three vegetation communities are little, and the species diversity and evenness of steppe community are less than those of arbor and shrub communities.