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我承认,我就是一个自寻烦恼的人,我这辈子都是这样。I admit it. I’m a worrywart.

“我总算这辈子没有白活”。阿们!I have not lived in vain. ' Amen!

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你让我倒了八辈子的霉了。I'm up to my neck in you bullshit.

她的大半辈子都是在床上度过的。Most of her life was spent in bed.

这是次世代这辈子唯一的人生追求。That's their sole purpose in this life.

呕,我这辈子就想要这种车。Oh, I've wanted one of these all my life.

你开玩笑吧!那简直是倒八辈子霉了。You're kidding! That's really rotten luck.

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难道这都是我这辈子欠他的?Are all of this what my whole life owes hims?

我活了大半辈子都没听说有这样的怪事!I never heard the beat of that in all my days!

这是我这辈子睡过的最舒适的地方了!I've never slept in a cozier place in my life!

他这辈子都得戴绿帽子吗?Must he be a cuckold for the rest of his life?

所以这些应该在这辈子之前发生的So it's got to have happened before this life.

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他家几辈子都是农民。His has been a peasant familly for generations.

我这辈子一直是铁杆肉食者。I have been a hard-core meat eater all my life.

我要告诉你们我这辈子最快乐的一天。I will tell you of the happiest day of my life.

她大半辈子的时间都用来照顾别人了。Most of her life was spent in caring for others.

你这辈子最大的人生转折是什么?What was the biggest tunning point in your life?

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我能忍受这种事情吗?这辈子都别想!Will I stand for such a thing? Not on your life!

本人武功这辈子的错误,但我仍然爱你!I gest mistake in this life, but I still love you!

我大半辈子都是个无神论进化论者。I was an atheist and evolutionist most of my life.