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而这些叶芽本身也可以生成生长素。These bars buds themselves also produce auxin.

顶芽分泌出叫做生长素的生长类激素。Apical buds produce a growth hormone called auxin.

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在脱落过程中生长素与脱落酸有拮抗作用。It is antagonistic to abscisic acid in abscission.

顶芽将生长素释放至植株茎部。The buds release this hormone down the plant stem.

吲哚衍生物中有一些是染料、植物生长素和医药。Indole derivatives in some dyes, auxin and medicine.

胃促生长素主要由胃保护层的细胞产生。Ghrelin is produced mostly by cells in the stomach lining.

许多植物可以茁壮成长,但额外光灯也摧毁了生长素。Many plants may thrive in extra light but light also destroys auxin.

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除了胃促生长素和消瘦素,很多其他的激素对食欲也有影响。Besides ghrelin and leptin, many other hormones play a role in appetite.

激素尤其是植物生长素可以促进细胞壁的延伸。Hormones, especially auxins, are involved in the promotion of elongation.

已经鉴定到一些生长素结合蛋白,其中研究最深入的是生长素结合蛋白1。In the identified ABPs, ABP1 is the best candidate for an auxin receptor.

但如果主枝被修剪掉,它下面的其他枝芽就可以开始输出生长素。But if that main shoot is pruned, other buds below it can start exporting.

生长素、赤霉素等生长调节剂都可以促进植物根系生长。Phytohormones such as auxin, gibberellin could promote root system growth.

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你一定是生长素,因为你让我的茎迅速的延长。You must be auxin, cause you are causing me to have rapid stem elongation.

当节食者减肥并且努力维持减肥效果,他的胃促生长素水平就会升高。Ghrelin levels rise in dieters who lose weight and then try to keep it off.

科学家已经发现了一些线索,例如植物的生长素在这个过程中起到的作用。Scientists have found some clues, for example the effect of auxin in the process.

你睡得越少,你的致轻素越少——同时生长素升高。The less sleep you get, the lower your leptin levels—and the higher your ghrelin.

细胞分裂素对生长素诱导的根的形成具有负向作用。Cytokinin is known to have negative effects on denovo auxin-induced root formation.

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太多的生长素,和太少的瘦素已被证明导致更大的胃口。Too much ghrelin and too little leptin have been shown to result in a larger appetite.

加入中药鹿茸生长素各组均有促进软骨细胞有丝分裂作用。The group after added in pilose antler growth factor can improve cellular karyokinesis.

这已经不堪重负光可以产生弱的植物茎,因为生长素水平低。Plants that are overexposed to light can produce weak stems because of low auxin levels.