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这种产品一经上市便反响强烈。The response has been strong.

结果我们收到了很好的反响。and we got a very good response.

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我们的声响在空屋间里反响。Our voices echoed in the empty room.

是否由于二代那消极的反响?Was it due to the negative feedback?

李新明说,他没有被报道引起的反响吓倒。He said he isn't daunted by the backlash.

他的话没有在他们心中引起反响。His words aroused no echoes in their hearts.

这个枪杀事件继续在美国国会引起反响。The killing continued to reverberate in Congress.

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总统的逝世引起出乎意料的反响。The president's death had unexpected repercussion.

同盟的废止,在日本发生了强烈的反响。The annulment caused a profound impression in Japan.

其中冯巩的表演获得较好反响。Feng Gong one of the better performing repercussions.

这项决定将引起反响并震撼这个国家。The decision will reverberate and will jar the country.

而获得的反响只是沉默——一段惊人地长的时间里都是沉默。The reaction was, for a surprisingly long time, silence.

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“我认为我们的所作所为正引起反响,”史蒂夫说。"I think what we're doing is resonating, " Stevlic said.

学生们对这本书的反响很不错I get a very good reaction from students about this book.

他的雄辩在听众中不起反响。His oratorical efforts evoked no response in his audience.

但兵役制度在其他国家引起了强大的反响。But the subject arouses strong emotions in other countries.

他已经从美国的葡萄酒评介人士那里获得了强烈的反响。He's already received strong reviews from American critics.

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技术,确实非同反响并充满希望,请观看上述视频并让我们知道你们的想法。Please watch the video above and let us know what you think.

报告书提出后在中日两国都引起了强烈反响。The report have caused a strong reaction in China and Japan.

2008年大选中一个必定引起强烈反响的问题是移民问题。What promises to be the intense issue of 2008 is immigration.