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警戒森严。The caution is stern.

封建社会等级森严。Feudal society was rigidly stratified.

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神仙世界也是戒备森严的。Even the celestial world is heavily guarded.

有一个僧院戒规森严。There once was a monastery that was very strict.

这些势力范围成为戒备森严的碉堡或者筒仓。These areas become well-guarded bunkers, or silos.

即使是一座已经弃用的监狱,那里还是守卫森严。The place is guarded still, even though it’s a closed-down prison.

我的纸是在马萨诸塞州多尔顿一家戒备森严的工厂里制造的。My paper is made in a closely guarded mill in Dalton, Massachusetts.

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这些骑兵军纪森严,训练有素,是精锐的弓骑兵。Disciplined and highly trained, the Vardariotai are elite horse archers.

钓鱼台国宾馆森严的警卫,令几人倍感神秘?Diaoyutai state guesthouse heavily, make many people feel guards mystery?

在一个大型的、等级森严的组织中,“加强控制”是问题的关键。In a large, hierarchical organisation, this is the real crux of the matter.

如果有一个防守森严的城镇作为根据地,军队将会获得更高的战斗力。The army will do better if it has a reliable base in a well-fortified town.

大约80名火炬手沿着16公里长的戒备森严的路线传递火炬。About 80 runners carried the torch along the heavily guarded 16-kilometer route.

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“我觉得听见我父亲的声音了,”他喘息着,溜了一眼我们上面的森严的山顶。I thought I heard my father,' he gasped, glancing up to the frowning nab above us.

喇嘛教的主要特点是仪式讲究,等级森严。Lamaism is characterized by elaborate rituals and a strong hierarchical organization.

新手依惯例将在15岁时进入如封建世界般等级森严的相扑场。A novice will typically enter the almost feudalistic world of the sumo stable at age 15.

但记者想要到遥远且守卫森严的现场去,还是很困难的。But reporters have found it difficult to get access to the remote and well-guarded sites.

你真鲁莽!想在这么森严的守卫下营救他们简直就是飞蛾扑火。How stupid you were! To rescue them under such heavy guard is just seeking your own doom.

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美国公司结构层次繁杂,等级森严,由下达命令和执行命令的人组成。They organize their companies in many-layered hierarchies of order givers and order takers.

大约700名犹太人生活在市中心一个戒备森严的单独地区。About 700 Jewish people live in fortified, separate neighborhoods in the center of the town.

共和国、分离势力、帝国和义军的财产都被保管在戒备森严的金库里。Republic, Separatist, Imperial, and Rebel treasures were stored within well- protected vaults.