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然后不断扩大。And then it expands.

我们正在不断前进。We are moving forward.

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让我们不断前进!Let’s keep progressing!

这个世界总在不断前进。The world has moved on.

上行,不断地上行Up. It keeps rising up.

阿丽丝不断向我们挥手。Alice kept waving to us.

悖论不断深入。The paradox goes deeper.

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他看起来在不断攀登。He seemed to be climbing.

在电视新闻节目不断讲话?Talk non-stop on news TV?

他总在不断地追逐女人。He's always chasing women.

他们是北京的奴隶,栖身于违章建筑,那是不断扩张的北京所要拆除的部分。They are Beijing’s slaves.

但我认为中国在不断前进。I do think China is rising.

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我老婆不断地挑我的毛病。My wife keeps pecking at me.

而天津话是不断变化的。Tianjin dialect is changing.

但他的声音在不断消失。But his voice kept vanishing.

“我会不断成长树果实”?。Will my tree ever grow fruit?

一团不断扩展、不断加深的绿色A widening deepening greenness

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REM三十年来不断变化。For three decades REM evolved.

他总是不断反省是否言行合理。He's constantly rationalizing.

一切都在不断变化。It was all in a state of flux.