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先秦时期属广阳郡。Belong to the pre-Qin period-gun.

这使得“神仙”信仰自先秦以来长盛不衰。This makes the gods faith lasting since the pre-Qin.

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先秦诸子散文是特殊的文学现象。Pre-Qin Zhuzi prose is a special literary phenomenon.

第三章论述先秦兵书所体现的管理学思想。On the third hand the war had enough dialectic thought.

先秦人口的阶级构成。Chapter four, the Pre-Qin China population class structure.

重阳的源头,可追溯到先秦之前。Chongyang the source, dating back to before the Qin Dynasty.

据说,淮扬菜发轫于先秦时期。The Huaiyang dish is said to originate from the pre-Qin period.

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先秦时期,火在生活生产中都扮演着重要角色。Fire played important role in life and production in Pre-qin Era.

先秦时期,门神崇拜达到高峰。During Pre-Qing-Dynasty period, door-god worship reached a climax.

本文讨论先秦汉语的两个类型学特征。This paper discusses some typological features in Pre-Qin Chinese.

第二部分概述先秦时期的同性恋文学书写。Chapter two summarizes the homosexual literature in the Qin Dynast.

先秦两汉的印章艺术是我国印章艺术史上的一次辉煌时期。The graphic seal was all the rage in the Pre-Qin and Han dynasties.

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“诗言志”观念在先秦历经了三个阶段的演变进程。"Poetry Expressing Wills" evolved three courses in Pre-qin Dynasty.

先秦法家从商鞅到韩非经历了从重“法”到重“术”的转变。Pre-Qin legalists, who had emphasized law, changed to value tactics.

先秦法家从商秋到韩非经历了从重“法”到重“术”的转变。Pre-Qin legalists , who had emphasized law, changed to value tactics.

寓言也因此以“小说”之名在先秦流传。The fable therefore spreaded in the name of "the novel" in the preqin.

编钟研究由来已久,从先秦时期绵延至今。The research of chime-bells have a long time, far from pre-Qin period.

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先秦人口的分布和迁徙。Chapter three, the Pre-Qin China population distribution and migration.

“气一元论”为先秦道家稷下学派所创立。Qi-monism was created by Jixia school of daoist in the pre-qin periods.

墨子的文化思想是先秦显学墨学的重要组成部分。Mozis cultural ideology is a significant part of the outstanding Mohism.