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并且幼稚野蛮地把你黄铜的三角架不停摇撼。And toss your brass tripod with somewhat childish wildness.

狂风,暴雨,雷轰,电闪摇撼着我爱你的凭据。Winds, heavy rain, thunder, lightning shaking the love and support.

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时钟刚打十二点,一场可怕的地震摇撼了这个地区。An terrible earthquake struck the area just after the clock struck twelve.

他使地震动,离其本位,地的柱子就摇撼。Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble.

比如说,第一点,船被大浪摇撼,这没有出现在马可中。First,for example, I said the boat is beaten by the waves,that's not in Mark.

没有一个方法比一意想减损别人的价值更来得容易摇撼自己的价值。There is no readier way for a man to bring his own worth into question, than by.

在我开始第四层的时候,我听见菲顿纳多开始摇撼把他锁在墙上的铁链。As I began the fourth row, I heard Fortunato begin to shake the chains that held him to the wall.

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我倒想狠狠地摇撼你,就因为你的可鄙的奸诈,和你那低能的奇想。I've a very good mind to shake you severely, for your contemptible treachery, and your imbecile conceit.'

让不满的情绪像火山一样喷发出来,冲击偏见的城墙,摇撼其根基。Let your discontent break mountain-high against the wall of prejudice, and swamp it to the very foundation.

同时他会抓档而且还想要整晚让大家摇撼,但我们不知道谁和他一起。At the same time he's holding his crotch and wants to rock with us all night, we don't know who he's rocking with.

他继续漫谈着自己和过去的生活,外面风刮起来了,象一只巨掌在摇撼着那单幢住所。As he rambled on, about himself, his past life, the wind rose up against the cottage like the prodding of a giant hand.

她走近铁栏门,逐根地摇撼那些铁条,很容易就找出了马吕斯挪动过的那根。She approached the railing, felt of the bars one after the other, and readily recognized the one which Marius had moved.

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但是,施密特并不相信这次经济危机会摇撼美国消费者花钱负债的嗜好。But Schmidt does not believe the economic crisis has shaken U.S. consumers’ proclivity to spend money by going into debt.

所以船遭到伤害,在风暴中摇撼,被风浪冲击,而且他们害怕。So the boat is persecuted and that's represented by the storm, and the winds,and the waves buffeting them,and they're afraid.

詹妮立即认出了雪莉!不久以后,霍恩沃尔德因它们相遇时互致问候的吼声和庆祝性的碰撞而摇撼起来。Jenny knew right away who Shirley was. Soon Hohenwald was rocking as the two greeted each other with trumpeting and celebratory bumping.

到了晚上,只有他一人在那里,那时船在海中,因风不顺,被浪摇撼。When evening came he was there alone, but by this time the boat battered by the waves was far from the land for the wind was against them.

他到深秋也许只剩下坚韧的枯枝,在西风里摇撼,但是,他知道也敢于面对自己的命运。He went to late autumn might be only the tenacious black sheep, where the westerly wind shake, but he knew that dare to face their destiny.

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在巨大的痛苦中,原力在他身边爆发,带着一阵比上次那次要强得多的震波,像发生了场巨大的地震一般摇撼着整座山体。In great agony , the force exploded from him, with a shock wave much stronger than the one before, shaking the mountain like a tremendous earthquake.

这次爆炸摇撼了基地远处尽头的建筑,大约有一公里半之远,巴拉维刚刚通过的山脉中回响着爆炸的声浪。The explosion shook buildings at the far end of the base, a half mile distant, and reverberated against the mountains through which Balawi had just passed.

他摇撼我,直摇得我的牙齿卡嗒卡嗒地响,又把我猛推到约瑟夫身边,约瑟夫镇定地念他的祈祷词,然后站起来,发誓说他要马上动身到田庄去。He shook me till my teeth rattled, and pitched me beside Joseph, who steadily concluded his supplications and then rose, vowing he would set off for the Grange directly.