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服药期间不能喝酒。Do not drink alcohol.

读书周期间禁止在堂上讲话。Don't the Reading Week.

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现在是选课期间This is shopping period.

在影片期间,我打瞌睡。I dozed off during the film.

收获期间下雨了。It rained during the harvest.

这些我只在假期期间做。I do this only during holidays.

住院医期间没有胜者或败者。There are no winners or losers.

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训练期间计一年之久。The training period is one year.

在这期间您能做什么呢?In the meantime, what can you do?

在1975年到1990年的战争期间它是失败的。It failed during the 1975-90 war.

警戒期间他们保持安静。They were quiet during the alert.

这是可以做到期间开办。This can be done during start-up.

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你知道他还在假释期间吗?Do you know that he was on parole?

战争期间,鸡蛋限量供应。Eggs were rationed during the war.

期间休养生息,调整心情。Period and relax, adjust the mood.

久旱无雨期间,庄稼都枯死了。The crops died during the drought.

批评人士在总统竞选期间曾经利用奥巴马的父亲是穆斯林这一点来攻击他。Barack Obama's father was a Muslim.

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寒假期间我学到了许多。During the holiday, I learned alot.

在我缺勤期间他代替了我。He took my place during my absence.

做音乐。战争期间也是?Making music. -Even during the war?