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致命的海洋。The deadly ocean.

致命的系统错误!Critcal system Error!

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有时狂热可能会很致命。Or manias can be deadly.

犬瘟一般是致命的。Distemper is often fatal.

这次打击对他是致命的。The shock was deadly to him.

忙乱对祷告是致命的。Hurry is the death of prayer.

大剤量能致命。Large dosage can cause death.

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纯合子是致命的。The homozygous form is fatal.

这个国王只有一个致命的弱点。The king had only one weakness.

安格尔曾经犯了一个致命的错误。Ingres had made a fatal mistake.

这满后背的毛发是对女人们的“致命诱惑”还是要回石器时代的返祖现象?Or a throwback to the Stone Age?

变异非常迅速的致命病毒。Rapidly mutating deadly viruses.

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那几乎是一个致命的错误。That was a nearly fatal mistake.

他有致命的癌症MEN2B。Or he had the fatal cancer MEN2B.

致命的锁喉练习。They practice deadly choke holds.

在一段时间内是致命的影响。For a time the fallout was deadly.

好在这些致命生物又游走了。But the lethal creature bobbed off.

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在这个阶段,退赛是致命的。At this stage, a DNF would be fatal.

但是他也同意,“这是相当致命的。”But he agrees “It was pretty deadly.

对人类的爱于我是致命的。Love of mankind would be fatal to me.