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操练完毕。The drill is over.

讨论完毕。End of the discussion.

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现在我的发动机全部启动完毕!Now I'm all spooled up!

得到1和3,比较完毕。I end up getting 1 and 3.

新火炮已经安装完毕。Her new guns are installed.

好,简短的主题介绍完毕了。OK. That was the short topic.

等待所有缓冲区传输完毕。Wait for all buffers to finish.

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黑色汽油弹升级完毕。Black napalm upgrade is complete.

我们每天工作完毕后都要作些消遣。We recreated after work every day.

滑油日用系统注油清洗完毕。Flushing L. O. system of stern tube.

请等待两分钟影片加载完毕后观看。Please wait 2mins to load the video.

洗漱完毕,我在家吃完早餐。Afterwashing, I eat breakfast at home.

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这样,耶和华的殿全然完毕。So the temple of the Lord was finished.

水密舱均已增压完毕。The compartments are fully pressurized.

集会会议以野诓英文歌完毕。The party ended up with an English song.

蔚为壮观的条约文本终于准备完毕了。The huge treaty books were ready at last.

我怎么知道循环完毕了呢?How do I know when I'm done with the loop?

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使用完毕应将电源关断。The power shall be cut off after operation.

队得分,B队9号发球,我已经登记完毕。Team B gained a point and No. 9 should serve.

这本书你校勘完毕没有?Have you completed the collation of this book?