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你喜欢京剧吗?Do you like Beijing Opera?

她不喜欢看京剧。She abominates Beijing Opera.

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我非常喜欢中国的京剧。I like Beijing opera very much.

京剧使观众听得入迷。Beijing opera ravished the audience.

京剧是我们国家的国剧。It is the national opera of our country.

这里有一个京剧艺术博物馆。There is a museum of the Beijing Opera art.

老实说,我不喜欢京剧。Frankly speaking, I don't like Beijing Opera.

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有些古老的京剧又在舞台上重新上演。Some old Beijing operas revived on the stages.

精选的京剧,京剧爱好者的听觉享受。Well-selected Beijing operas for your enjoyment.

京剧是中国文化的瑰宝。Beijing Opera is the treasure of Chinese culture.

她们来到了京剧艺术博物馆。They come to the museum of the Beijing Opera art.

豫剧是比京剧更古老的剧种。Henan Opera is more ancient than the Peking Opera.

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听说京剧是你们的国剧。I heard that type of opera is your national opera.

在北京,我看了京剧。Here in Beijing I have attended Jingju performances.

中国地方戏种类很多,其中京剧是一个具有代表性的剧种。There are many kinds of local operas in our country.

脸谱是京剧的一个重要组成部分。Facial makeups are an important part of Peking opera.

并配合京剧名段作为背景音乐。And use the Peking Opera excerpts as background music.

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一群巡演的京剧表演者到达小镇。A group of traveling Chinese Opera singers came to town.

如果您想真正地了解中国,看京剧是不可少的事。Wow! It's a must if you really want to know about China.

在京剧里,我们还可以看到昆曲的影子。So, Kunqu elements are still discernible in Peking Opera.