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我们不能让他们夺取制空权!We can't let them take control of the airspace!

在诺曼底,盟军已经牢牢地掌握了制海权和制空权。In Normandy, the Allies secured absolute command of both the air and sea.

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不过,这一点点情况不足以说明制空权的重要性。However, a snapshot of that day cannot explain the importance of airpower.

盟军赢得这场至关重要的战役的制空权并非只是在滩头阵地上。Where the Allies had won the critical battle for air supremacy was not over the beachhead.

在尚未结束的滩头阵地对决中,盟军赢得了关键的制空权的胜利。Where the Allies had won the critical battle for air supremacy was not over the beachhead.

头顶上,有着黑白条纹的盟军远征军飞机掌握了制空权。Overhead, specially marked black and white striped Allied Expeditionary Air Force aircraft owned the sky.

波音认为,随着制空权的获得,隐身将不再是主要需求。Following the attainment of aerial supremacy, stealth would no longer be a major requirement, said Boeing.

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这场战争中,盟军不仅是幸运的拥有了空中优势,而且拥有了制空权。It was a struggle in which the Allies were fortunate to have not merely air superiority, but air supremacy.

双刃的运送单位穿越战场的能力是非常有用的,尤其是在你你拥有制空权的时候。The Twinblade's ability to ferry units across the field is very useful especially if you have complete air superiority.

停产“意味着一种损失、对我们制空权的腐蚀,”一位前军方高级官员如是说。Stopping production “means a loss or erosion of margin in our air superiority, ” one former senior military official says.

巨大的轰鸣声中,鹞式战机从无敌号航母的飞行甲板上升空,与阿根廷的幻影战机争夺制空权。Harrier jets roared from the flight deck of HMS Invincible to wrest control of the skies from the invaders’ Mirage fighters.

要做到这些,必须阻止中国获得制空权和制海权,限制北京的对地攻击导弹。To do so would require preventing China from gaining air and sea dominance, and limiting the impact of Beijing's land-attack missiles.

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现代战争中为取得制空权使用侵彻子母弹对敌方的机场跑道进行攻击是一种有效的战术手段。In the present-day war, it is an effective tactics to attack enemy airports with intrusive submunition missiles for mastery of the sky.

敌方拥有完全的制空权。我们既无高射炮,又无可供空军中队受到保护而利用的机场。The enemy enjoyed complete air mastery, and we had neither antiaircraft guns nor any airfield from which protecting squadrons might operate.

美国战机在空袭初期,获得了绝对的制空权,然后将指挥权移交英法及另一非美北约国家。American planes dominated the early phase of airstrikes, then turned over major responsibility to France, Britain and a non-American NATO command.

伊拉克战争再一次表明,制空权在现代战争中起着至关重要的作用,对战争的进程有着不可估量的影响。The latest war in Iraq once again shows that air supremacy plays a vital role in a modern war and has an inestimable effect on the progress of the war.

制空权在现代战争中的地位和作用十分重要,防空兵力的布势模式是防空方夺取制空权的重要条件。The air domination is very important in modern war. The disposition mode of antiaircraft troops is an important factor for mastering the air domination.

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当9月份在仁川的两栖登陆行动扭转战争局势时,舰载机就在空中提供掩护并且在此后一直掌握着制空权。When the amphibious landing at Inchon reversed the course of the war in September, carrier aircraft were overhead and maintained air supremacy thereafter.

抗美援朝很艰难,没有制空权,炮弹不足,物资供给困难,兵源补充不及时,防空设施基本是空白。Resist very difficult, no air, shell is insufficient, supplies difficulties, &political supplement is not seasonable, air defense facilities basic is blank.

西方联军空袭步履主要打击对象是利比亚设在地中海沿岸的防空雷达系统和地对空导弹阵地,从而确保盟军绝对制空权。Western coalition airstrike hit targets mainly in the Mediterranean coast of Libya's air defense radar systems and surface-ground to ensure absolute air supremacy the Allies.