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她披头散发。She wore her hair loose.

不要让披头散发的少女。No maiden, with dishevelled hair.

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披头散发,就这样。明天我们将有何勾当?With my hair down, so. What shall we do to-morrow?

允许偶尔披头散发,但要注重场合。Allow occasional disheveled, but to focus on occasion.

妈妈瘦骨如柴,披头散发,显示出一副疲惫的样子。Mom was stick thin, worn looking and with disheveled hair.

允许偶尔披头散发,但要注重场合。Allow yourself to mess with your hair in certain occasions.

站在色拉柜旁边哪个披头散发的女人有点像90年代的雅皮士。That woman standing by the salad ark looks a bit like GenX of the 1990s.

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站在色拉柜旁边哪个披头散发的女人有点像90年代的雅皮士。That woman with hair dishevelled who stand by salad cabinet is a little likes yuppie in 90th age.

前几天看了下剧照,都被吓到,披头散发,衣服上好多污渍。Read under the stage photo couple days ago, is frightened, has hair dishevelled , on clothes many dirts.

我听见人们从睡梦中惊醒,跑到街道上,也许身上还穿着睡衣,披头散发,睡眼惺忪。I heard people on the street, jolted from sleep and probably still in their pajamas, with ruffled hair and puffy eyes.

在戏中她不但披头散发,还对歹徒呼巴掌、掐脖子、又挥木棍挥追赶对方。In the scene, not only is her hair a mess, she also slaps, strangles, and chases after the gangsters with a wooden stick.

在队伍穿过一个集镇时,他看到一个披头散发的女人,手里拿着一块银元,疯了似的边诉说边嚎啕。When the troops went through a market town, a disheveled woman holding out a silver dollar complained and wailed like mad.

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在那个时代,在公众地方披头散发算是挑逗和不道德的行为,西门立刻对这件事有微言。Letting her hair down in public was considered a seductive, immoral act in those days. Simon quickly sized up the situation.

亚当和夏娃半裸着身子,披头散发地被上帝赶出了伊甸园、开始繁衍后代。God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden with body half naked and hair dishevelled and they began to multiply descendants.

她穿着一身又脏又旧的衣服,没穿长统袜,披头散发,满脸灰尘,显得又脏又累。She was wearing dirty, old clothes and no stockings, her hair was not tidy, she had dust on her face, and she looked dirty and tired.

结果可能出人意料,本拉登或许藏在更远的地方——他祖辈的故乡也门南部,或者在哥斯达黎加乔装成一个披头散发的流浪汉也说不准。It may turn out that bin Laden is hiding somewhere far away—in his family's ancestral homeland of southern Yemen, perhaps, or posing as a dreadlocked beachcomber in Costa Rica.

演门城里有位仁兄,当他双亲过世时,他披头散发,不剃胡须,整天哭号,将自已弄的形容憔悴,一副伤心欲绝的样子。In the town of Yanmen, there was a man, when his parents passed away, he disguised the look of grief by wearing his hair disheveled, not shaving off his beard and crying all day and night.

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黄蓉受不了,在寝室里大喊“我要退学我要退学”,然后趿拉着拖鞋披头散发地就跑出了所住的学校东区。Huang2 Rong2 can not stand, yell "I want to drop out from school me and drop out from school" in the bedroom, then the Sa pulled slippers to with disheveled hair run the school east for live area.