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想想早晨的情形。Think about your mornings.

那是一种令人神往的情形。It's a beautiful situation.

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你去吗?看情形再说。Are you going? That depends.

情形到了十分可哀的地步。Mary's life was full of woe.

我们正处在一个毫无胜算的情形。We're in a no-win situation.

以下是10个最糟糕的情形。Here are 10 of the stickiest.

这与过去的情形可是完全颠倒了。It's a topsy-turvy situation.

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你知道真实情形也无妨。You may as well know the truth.

但这是法定情形。But this is the legal situation.

这完全取决于实际情形。It all depends on the situation.

退化的情形是怎样的?What about the degenerate cases?

看情形,转机停留多久?It depends, how long is stop over?

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这种假设情形似乎有点牵强。This scenario may seem farfetched.

我们都知道那种情形,那很糟糕!And we all know this. And it's bad!

你第一次看到这张照片时什么情形?How did you first see this picture?

其分布情形制成如下表格。The distribution is as tabled below.

我也许会帮助你,但得看情形而定。I may help you, but that all depends.

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那情形就像所有的年轻作家一样。It’s like that for all young writers.

你第一次看到这张照片时什么情形?Q.How did you first see this picture?

这情形一直持续了七天!This situation lasted for seven days!