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哪些国家被排除在外了呢Who does it exclude?

但不要将它们排除在外。But don't rule them out.

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排除“应该”。Get rid of the "shoulds."

因此,没有行被排除。Hence, no rows are eliminated.

应该排除哪些文件?What Files Should You Exclude?

他们把他排除在他们的圈子外。They shut him from their circle.

可能性不能排除。The possibility cannot be excluded.

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子文件夹内容排除在外。Contents of sub-folders are left out.

把女孩排除在外是不公平的。The omission of the girls was unfair.

我们不排除诉诸武力的可能性。They felt obliged to resort to force.

他并未排除这种可能性。He does not rule out this possibility.

怎样才能排除低调的情绪?。How can ability eliminate low-key mood?

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很容易就会排除掉那些数据。And it is so easy to dismiss those data.

点击试验排除的一个例子。Click on Test Exclusions for an example.

她甚至排除了服毒自杀的可能。She's even discounted suicide by poison.

并且,我们如何知道该排除哪些情况呢?And how do we know what scenarios to cut?

自杀的可能性已被排除。The possibility of suicide was ruled out.

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利用输出消息来排除故障Using the output messages to troubleshoot

我们应该排除逻辑中的错误。We should winnow out the errors in logic.

排除让你对上帝分心的一切。Eliminate whatever distracts you from God.