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他只好给他的身体解毒。He had to detoxify his body.

你是成瘾的毒,亦是解毒的药。You are toxin to addi, drug to antidote.

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什么是心底刚硬的解毒药方?What is the antidote to a hardened heart?

身体释放出一组解毒酶。It launches a team of detoxifying enzymes.

绿豆也能够清热败火、防暑解毒,还是养脾胃的良品。It is also knows to be good for spleen and stomach.

在提升中你的解毒过程有一个进度。There is a pace that one's form detoxifies in ascension.

能够明目、解毒、祛湿。Can improve eyesight, the disintoxicating, to dispel wet.

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他们保存威士忌酒以便在被蛇咬时用以解毒。They kept whiskey to antidote themselves against snake bike.

本品能补脾养肝兼有解毒功能。This product can be both Spleen Liver detoxification function.

淡色酒水能比深色的酒水能被更快地解毒。Light liquors are detoxified at a faster rate than dark liquors.

化瘀止血,活血止痛,解毒消肿。Blood stasis, inflammatory swelling, drainage and detoxification.

肝脏是解毒器官,鳃是呼吸器官。The liver is the detoxification organs are the respiratory gills.

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酒精主要通过人体的肝来解毒。Alcohol is detoxified primarily through the function of the liver.

清热,散风解毒。The key function is cleaning heat, removing wind and detoxication.

扭转有助于提高内部器官和淋巴系统的解毒功能。Twists can help detoxify the internal organs and lymphatic system.

具有补脾益气、清热解毒、润肺止咳等功效。With Spleen Qi, heat antidotes, such as cough Runfei effectiveness.

据说炎帝神农发现茶叶可以用来解毒。Emperor Yan Shennong found tea leaf can be used to deal with poisons.

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藕拌黄花菜,清香嫩脆,凉血解毒。Daylily lotus soup, tender crisp scent, cools the blood detoxification.

金银花为临床常用中药,具有清热解毒、凉散风热之功效。The honeysuckle is clinical traditional Chinese medicine in common use.

他们不可能只给这些孩子解毒,他们必须消除整个旁遮普邦的污染。They can't just detoxify these kids, they have to detoxify the whole Punjab.