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喝咖啡或茶吗?Coffee or tea drinker?

老板要求那个酒鬼戒酒。The boss asked the drinker to dry out.

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他很能喝酒,非常喜欢中国茅台。He's a heavy drinker and he likes Chinese Maotai very much.

孔乙己是站著喝酒而穿长衫的唯一的人。Kong Yiji was the only standing drinker who wore long robes.

王先生不仅是个老烟枪,还是个老酒鬼。Mr. Wang is not only a chain-smoker but also a heavy drinker.

对饮用者的健康和酒的风味会不会产生影响?Does sediment affects the taste or even the health of drinker?

一个精明的小伙子陪着一个嗜酒如命的人在一个房子里喝酒。A heavy drinker with a clever young man, was drinking in a room.

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就算在大学里,米德尔顿也只是偶尔喝一口。Even at university, Miss Middleton was only an occasional drinker.

孔乙己是站着喝酒而穿长衫的唯一的人。Kong Yiji was the only long-gowned drinker who took his wine standing up.

“酒不醉人人自醉”、“抒心的酒千杯不醉”,怎一个“醉”字了得?It's not the wine that intoxicates but the drinker who himself gets drunk.

碰杯的起源自饮酒家的健康和安全观念。Clinking of glasses traces its root to the health and safety of the drinker.

威廉姆斯的父亲,消委会威廉姆斯,是一个旅行商和借酒浇愁。Williams's father, CC Williams, was a traveling salesman and a heavy drinker.

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你很甜蜜,对于那些有品味的咖啡客来说,有时甜得都有些发腻了。You are sweet, almost sickeningly so at times to the discerning coffee drinker.

汤姆是一名狂饮的酒徒,如果他不在意,那就会影响他的健康和工作。Tom's a hard drinker and it will affect his health and his job if he's not careful.

十年前,德加的朋友莫奈画过一个饮苦艾酒的纨绔子弟。Degas' friend Monet painted a dandish male absinthe drinker just over a decade before.

他们可能也会成为酒鬼,或者吸毒,或染上其他的一些坏习惯。maybe they would be a drinker or they maybe would use drugs, or these different things.

一个人捏着鼻子喝咖啡只能品尝到苦味。A coffee drinker holding his nose while sipping would taste only the bitter in his brew.

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可惜他自恃很擅长喝酒,根本不把我的忠告当回事儿。He was not at all daunted by this advice, considering himself quite an accomplished drinker.

比如说,随心盖就是根据饮用者的鼻子和嘴唇而特别设计的。For example, the Solo Traveler lid was designed to accommodate the nose and lip of a drinker.

那个年老的摇滚巨星已是风烛残年。他已经喝烟酗酒很多年了。That old rock star has one foot in the grave. He's been a heavy smoker and drinker for years.