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嗅探蜂还能应用于人道主义援助。There are also humanitarian uses for sniffer bees.

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“我们是一个人道主义组织”,贾马尔说。We are a humanitarian organization, " Jamal said."

是的,我们有这样教师在人文大学!Yes we have such faculty in Humanitarian University!

这是他们努力实行人道主义的开始。This was the beginning of their humanitarian efforts.

此外,人道主义援助也能给美国带来收益。And humanitarian aid can redound to America's benefit.

“我们是一个人道主义组织”,贾马尔说。I am on the staff of CBN, a humanitarian organization.

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她很有公益心,经常帮助别人。She is a humanitarian who often offers to help others.

C-130运输机适合这种人道援助任务。The C-130 is suited for this type of humanitarian mission.

这你也同意了,作为一个像你这样的人道主义者。Which you agreed to do, being the humanitarian sort you are.

马拉维已经建立了一家人道主义无人机测试中心。Malawi has launched a testing center for humanitarian drones.

安吉莉娜-朱力被称为最受尊敬的人道主义者名人。Jolie has been called the most respected celebrity humanitarian.

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所有人道奖助金的基本标准是什麽?What are the basic criteria for all Humanitarian Grant Programs?

人的高贵和尊严是人道主义的核心价值。Nobility and dignity of people is the core values of humanitarian.

他们都是文科出生,并且受过人道主义教育。They come from the arts and a humanitarian educational background.

你爱爱上了人道主义概念的理想。You love falling in love with the ideals of humanitarian concepts.

安娜•胡萨尔斯卡是一位译员、新闻记者、人道救援工作者。Anna Husarska is a translator, journalist, and humanitarian worker.

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援助实际上是政治、经济和人道主义的灾难。Aid is an unmitigated political, economic and humanitarian disaster.

如果爆发全面大规模战争,一场人道主义危机可能随之而来。Should full-scale fighting erupt, a humanitarian crisis could ensue.

裘莉的人道关怀工作仍持续进行之际,她的演艺事业也蓬勃发展。While Jolie's humanitarian work is ongoing, so is her acting career.