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普京是缺少幽默感的。Putin himself is sardonic but humorless.

我欣赏若贝尔的聪明和善于挖苦人的机智。I admired Jobert's intelligence and sardonic wit.

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在他嘲笑的眼神中,她的声音慢慢低下去。Her voice faded away at the sardonic gleam in his eyes.

他说最后一句的时候语气很镇静,可是话中带刺。These last words were uttered quietly but in a tone so sardonic.

加布尔雷思说,“也许是因为它那种现代风格的玩世不恭和冷嘲热讽式的幽默。Maybe it's because of its very modern cynicism and sardonic humor.

在斯开普顿的作品里几乎听不到萨蒂那种讥讽的智慧。There is little of Satie's sardonic wit to be heard in Skempton's works.

西勒顿·杰克逊先生把脚踝伸得离炉火更近一些,嘲讽地打了一个唿哨。Mr. Sillerton Jackson stretched his ankles nearer the coals and emitted a sardonic whistle.

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我对餐馆的名字说了两句刻薄话,我们就走出餐馆到了街上。I made some sardonic comment about the name of the diner and we walked out into the streets.

我带著讽刺而愤怒的笑容抹去一切伪君子的可怕学说!I blast out the ghastly contents of philosophically whited sepulchers and laugh with sardonic wrath!

“我不知道书店里有关于临死教授的著作专区”,他幽默而自嘲地说。"I didn't know there was a dying-professor section at the bookstore, " he said with typical sardonic wit.

他整个面部表情十分丰富,显得既富于智慧又兼有一种冷嘲热讽的幽默神情,实在难以用笔墨形容。His whole countenance was instinct with a look of wise and sardonic humour impossible to describe on paper.

这个个子高大、面带冷笑的小帅哥此时没有与妈妈、妹妹和弟弟们在一起,而是在别处庆祝和妈妈决裂这一小小的胜利。The tall, handsome boy with the sardonic smile is not here with his mom and siblings, celebrating this small victory.

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新浪潮的那一代人没有谁拍的电影多过夏布洛尔,或者他的电影多到,好的具有嘲讽性,差的就很普通。No one of that new wave generation made more films than Chabrol, or so many that were sardonic at best, routine at worst.

当被问及有关问题时,盖茨对于微软和谷歌在网络搜索方面有一些敏锐又尖刻的意见。Gates had a few observations on the Internet search efforts of Microsoft and Google that were, by turns, acute, sardonic and tart.

斯派德说演完他就没看过那部电影,在人生的一半也就是25岁时,他演过一个让人难以忍受的爱冷嘲热讽的青年。Spader says he has not seen the film since he made it, half his life ago when he was 25 playing an insufferably sardonic teenager.

除了被描绘成懒惰的肥猫,加菲也是一只消极悲观、尖酸刻薄、让人有些反感的猫。In addition to being portrayed as lazy and fat, Garfield is also pessimistic, sadistic, cynical, sarcastic, sardonic and a bit obnoxious.

当被问及微软和谷歌曾经在互联网搜索方面互相激烈尖刻的指责时,他没有发表意见。And when asked, Mr. Gates had a few observations on the Internet search efforts of Microsoft and Google that were, by turns, acute, sardonic and tart.

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在克里斯托夫·W·戴尔任满三年津巴布韦大使后,于2007年离开津巴布韦时,在报告中对该国年老、古怪的罗伯特·穆加贝的描述极尽讽刺。As he left Zimbabwe in 2007 after three years as ambassador, Christopher W. Dell wrote a sardonic account of Robert Mugabe, that country’s aging and erratic leader.

他的脸是如此的特别,让丹尼尔觉得这简直就是一幅十九世纪的肖像画,也许就像一幅萨金特的作品——带着上流社会精致的嘲讽气质和智慧。His face, so distinctive, struck her as that of a nineteenth-century portrait, a Sargent perhaps, an embodiment of sardonic wisdom and society, of aristocratic refinement.

这些图片更多地被反核的博客人用于嘲笑、近乎讥讽的时尚之中,也常常出现在有关核工业的左翼文章中。Most uses of this image have been used in a sarcastic, almost sardonic fashion by anti-nuclear bloggers or to illustrate left-leaning articles on the nuclear power industry.