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阴影的路线将半影的路线分作西方和东方两部分。The path of the umbral shadow bisects the penumbral path from west to east.

月球本影和半影没有扫过的地方,根本看不见日食。Penumbral lunar Benying and did not sweep the place, simply can not see the solar eclipse.

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半影区的界限详细定义了日偏食的可视区域。The limits of the Moon's penumbral shadow define the region of visibility of the partial eclipse.

照片中,在半匿于地球背后的太阳照耀下,形成一个光环,宛如一枚太空中的“钻戒”。据悉,这样的照片是首次被拍到。The moment came during a penumbral lunar eclipse when the KAGUYA's view of the Sun was obscured by the Earth, causing it to look like a diamond ring.

这个质子活动区的主要形态特点是前导大黑子A的半影纤维的顺时针旋涡结构。The main morphological feature of this proton active region is the clockwise spiral structure of the penumbral filaments of the large preceding spot "A".

阿偏食是在更广泛的道路月球半影的阴影,其中包括亚洲的大部分地区,印度尼西亚和太平洋。A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon's penumbral shadow, which includes most of eastern Asia, Indonesia, and the Pacific Ocean.

左侧远端颈内动脉闭塞所致急性缺血性中风,存在可抢救的缺血半暗带和持久的大血管闭塞。Diagnosis Acute ischemic stroke caused by distal left internal carotid artery occlusion, with salvageable penumbral tissue and a persistent large-vessel occlusion.

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被月球半影扫过的地带均可以看到日偏食,在偏食区内离全食区越近,偏食的程度就越大。The sweep was the moon penumbral zone can see the partial eclipse, the partial eclipse in the region-wide water from the area near, the greater the extent of the partial eclipse.

文本给出旋涡黑子的缠绕方向于1970—1978年内在日面南、北半球的分布,它反映出太阳大气的较差自转对黑子磁场的扭绞形态发生了作用。In the paper we present the distribution of the penumbral pattern of the spiral spot on the north and south hemispheres of the solar disk in the period between March 1970 and December 1978.

本文绘出旋涡黑子的缠绕方向于1970—1978年内在日面南、北半球的分布,它反映出太阳大气的较差自转对黑子磁场的扭绞形态发生了作用。In this paper we present the distribution of the penumbral patterns of the spiral spots on the north and south hemispheres of the solar disk in the period between March 1970 and December 1978.