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腹部搏动性肿块消失。The abdominal pulsatile mass disappeared.

腹部超音波的提示和技巧。Tips and tricks for abdominal ultrasound.

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我仍然感觉腹部胀痛。I still feel abdominal distension and pain.

你有发烧或上腹痛的情形吗?。Do you have a fever or upper abdominal pain?

腹壁被分层切开。The abdominal wall was incised layer by layer.

弯一下腿,以放松腹部肌肉。Bend your legs to relax your abdominal muscles.

所有患者均无明显腹部不适症状。No patients complained of abdominal discomfort.

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过多的腹部脂肪的大肚子将消失。Excess abdominal fat and potbelly would be gone.

试试俯卧撑,仰卧起坐和下蹲起立。Try push-ups, abdominal crunches and leg squats.

腰痛、腹部憋胀、血尿。Low back pain, abdominal swelling, and hematuria.

并能减少醋酸致痛小鼠的扭体次数。The mice showed less writhes of abdominal cavity.

肠出血性大肠杆菌可引起出血腹泻和腹部疼痛。EHEC can cause bloody diarrhoea and abdominal pain.

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胸、腹腔有无积液及量的多少。Fluid in the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavities.

伤风感冒又腹痛,生姜上场来做粥。Common cold has abdominal pain, ginger play do porridge.

实验选用不同年龄的ICR纯系小鼠,腹腔注射MPTP。The ICR mice were injected with MPTP in abdominal cavity.

柯瑟琳低头看着病人的腹腔。Catherine stared down into the patient's abdominal cavity.

代谢综合征是由腹部肥胖产生的The metabolic syndrome comes about from abdominal obesity.

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试试俯卧撑、引体向上、仰卧起坐和蹲起吧。Try push-ups, pull-ups, abdominal crunches and leg squats.

阿伦卡尔自1997年以来一直在与腹部肿瘤作斗争。Alencar has been since 1997 to fight with abdominal cancer.

另一位专家认为可能是腹部偏头痛。Another specialist thought it might be abdominal migraines.