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公正的绝对性和相对性。Absoluteness and relativeness of fairness.

相对最大化的自我的绝对Relativism Maximizes the Absoluteness of Self

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总之,任何事物都没有绝对性。There is, in short, no absoluteness in anything.

平等是绝对和相对的统一。Equality is entity of absoluteness and relativity.

因此,相对减少了上帝和他的绝对性。So relativism minimizes the absoluteness of God and his will.

作为一个助推器的一种绝对的自我上帝职能。God functions as a kind of booster for the absoluteness of self.

相对不断减少或拒绝上帝的绝对性。Relativism constantly minimizes or denies the absoluteness of God.

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绝对没有哪一种工具将代替哪一种的所谓趋势。Absoluteness have no which kind of tools will replace another kind of tools trend.

这种选择行为的绝对性并不改变每一个时代的相对性。This absoluteness of the act of choice does not alter the relativity of each epoch.

从绝对的“我”中,可以编织出许多宗教的慰藉。From the absoluteness of the "me" a great deal of religious consolation can be spun.

避风港规则并不能使上述无限制的视频上传行为合法。Port regulation can not make afore -mentioned absoluteness video upload behavior lawful.

笔者根据相对绝对论和现代科技理论提出了对称的相对性与绝对性原理,不知是否正确?I offered the relativity of symmetry and absoluteness principle. I wonder whether I am all right.

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这个世界上没有绝对的对与错,只有没有创意的笨蛋!This have noes in the worlds absoluteness of right with mistake, contain idiot without creativity!

这就消解了意义的绝对性,也终结了“忠实”的神话。Therefore, the absoluteness of meaning is deconstructed and the myth of "faithfulness" is terminated.

我不需要形而上的东西,也不需要像认证或者绝对性这样戏剧性的东西。I do not want something metaphysical, something melodramatic as the idea of a guarantee or absoluteness.

存在就是自由,自由的绝对性使得它成为一切事物及其自身的根据。Existence is freedom, and the absoluteness of freedom enables it to become basis of everything and itself.

物质、时空、联系、矛盾、运动和意识既有绝对性又有相对性。Matter, time and space, relation, contradiction, motion, and consciousness all possess absoluteness and relativity.

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其绝对性主要是指它们的无限性和不变性,其相对性主要是指它们的有限性和可变性。Their absoluteness mainly refers to infiniteness and invariability while relativity denotes finiteness and variability.

传统物权理论一般将物权的特征归纳为支配性、排他性和绝对性。Traditional house right theory generally regards the features of house right as domination, exclusion and absoluteness.

如果片面夸大绝对性,无视真理的具体性、相对性,则形成极性思维。If we exaggerate the absoluteness one-sidedly, ignore the concreteness and relativeity, polarization thinking is formed.