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那个十字架呢?。And the crucifix?

她看见一座十字架伫立在花园中央。She saw a crucifix in the garden.

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她脖子上戴着项链,上面挂着银的十字架。She wore a small silver crucifix on a chain round her neck.

她一边把十字架戴在脖子上,一边说着话。As she spoke, she fingered the large crucifix round her neck.

他让两个画他的母亲说,采用了十字架。He makes two paintings of his mother that employ the crucifix.

没有什么比十字架拖线板更能抵挡吸血鬼了。Nothing wards off vampire power better than a crucifix power strip.

领域的十字架,他帮助我们团结一致,我们的生命与生活的我们的主…Areas of the Crucifix he helps us unite our lives with the life of Our Lord.

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而且,四瓣三叶草的外形和十字架相似。Moreover, the shape of four-leaf clover resembles the symbol of the crucifix.

它显示在一个小昆虫代表基督在十字架上的十字架爬行。It shows insects crawling on a small crucifix representing Christ on the cross.

每天她的双重信仰都在加深,现在她开是戴十字架了。Everyday her religious schizophrenia grew, and presently she began wearing a crucifix.

神甫举着他的十字架,挡在他自己和布莱克松中间。The priest lifted his crucifix and held it between Blackthorne and himself as a shield.

你在十字架的顶端放上一颗不甜的糖,于是我的眼里有了细碎的星芒。You put a bitter candy on the top of the crucifix , so there is some starlight in my eyes.

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一个独立的十字架和细长的烛台架展示在祭坛的一侧。A freestanding crucifix and slender candlestick holder are shown standing to one side of the altar.

如果你看看四周的墙壁,你会见到前面有一个十字架,正在黑板的上端。If you should look around at the walls, you will see a crucifix in front, just above the blackboard.

随后她就胆大的把十字架,圣母像和福音书带回家里来了。Then she was emboldened to bring a crucifix and pictures of the Virgin and the Messiah into the house.

他那狭窄局促的水泥工作室内有一幅圣处女玛丽的画像,还有很多尊满身浴血的耶稣受难塑像。His cramped cement workroom holds an image of the Virgin Mary and a large crucifix with a bloodied Jesus.

在中世纪的庆祝,会众的教徒会从混乱的一团走成一列跟在那着十字架或者蜡烛的牧师后面。In medieval celebrations, congregations would walk in a procession after mass, following a priest holding a crucifix or candle.

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他已经在他颈后纹上了一个十字、肩胛纹了一个守护天使、右肩上也有一个天使。He already has a crucifix on the back of his neck, a guardian angel between his shoulder blades and an angel on his right shoulder.

光洁的电梯门能照出人影,从反射的影像中,兰登看到局长的领带夹--一个镶有十三颗黑色缟玛瑙的银质十字架。In the reflection of the shiny elevator door, he saw the captain's tie clip—a silver crucifix with thirteen embedded pieces of black onyx.

当他还能上街时,他从锅匠那儿用几个苏买到一个小的铜十字架,挂在床前钉子上。While he still went out, he had purchased of a coppersmith, for a few sous, a little copper crucifix which he had hung up on a nail opposite his bed.