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皇家赛马会是一个赛马比赛。Royal Ascot is a horse race.

谁获得了1904年爱斯科特赛马会金杯?Who won the Ascot Gold Cup in 1904?

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你能给我们讲讲皇家赛马会是什么吗?Can you tell us what Royal Ascot is?

也可能是去特别的场合,比如去皇家赛马会。I think also special occasions maybe, if you go to a Royal Ascot.

在去年英国皇家爱斯科赛马会开幕的第一天,查尔斯王储以传统绅士形象现身。In traditional top hat and tails on the first day of the Royal Ascot Races last year.

他们有许多比赛,然而,它之所以叫皇家赛马会,是因为女王会观场。They have a very big, lots of races and it's called Royal Ascot because the Queen attends.

皇家阿斯科特赛马会只剩下两天的时间,如果你的行头还没有置办齐整,你的麻烦就来了。With only two days of Ascot left, if you haven't got your outfit sorted you're in trouble.

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在英国阿斯科特举行的皇家阿斯科特赛马节首日,一个女人头戴华丽的帽子。A woman wears an ornate hat on the first day of the Royal Ascot horse race meeting at Ascot, England.

在英格兰南部皇家阿斯科特赛马比赛开始的第四天,一名观众独自坐在一边。A racegoer sits alone before the start of the fourth day of racing at the Royal Ascot in southern England.

上周五,纽约法学院提起诉讼,联邦法院在曼哈顿梅尔金先生和阿斯科特。On Friday, New York Law School filed a lawsuit in Federal Court in Manhattan against Mr. Merkin and Ascot.

在伦敦附近的爱斯科赛马场,一大群情绪高涨、穿着考究的人唱着歌挥舞着国旗,庆祝爱斯科特赛马节。In high spirits, a well-dressed crowd at Ascot Racecourse near London celebrates a day of horse races with singing and patriotic flag-waving.

在英格兰南部皇家阿斯科特赛马第一场比赛结束后,一双鞋子,香槟与冰块散落在草地上。A pair of shoes, champagne bottles and ice lay scattered on the ground at the closing of the first race day at the Royal Ascot in southern England.

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对于皇室来说,竞赛通常来说都是非常严肃的,但是今天在阿斯科特,查尔斯见到了非常滑稽的场景,使得他笑声连连。Racing is usually a serious business for the royal family but at Ascot today, Prince Charles was met a sight so comical it triggered a fit ofgiggles.

广大客户在欣赏中国传统艺术的同时,也为白云骏景家园精美的园林景观和一流的户型产品赞不绝口,现场成交落定十分涌跃。Clients appreciate Chinese traditional arts in general, while also Baiyun Ascot homes beautiful garden landscape and class Huxing products praise, the site will be sold off very greatly.