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这是一条禁止进口的法律。Proscribed the importation of raw fruits and vegetables.

今年,欧盟已禁止进口未经许可的转基因玉米。U. banned the importation of non-approved GM corn. In the U.

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对阿蒙。德麦柯来说,进口方便也很重要。Easy importation has been important to Armon DeMarco as well.

进口货物,为报关进口的当天。For importation of goods, it is the date of imp -ort declaration.

可证茶叶是唐时开始大量输入藏区的。Tea is to permit large-scale importation of the Tang began in Tibet.

油棕种植业与棕榈油加工业是马来西亚国民经济重要组成部分。The palm oil importation trade between China and Malaysia is frequent and large.

中国最后一次报告野生脊灰病毒病例是在1999年,原因是出现了来自印度的病例输入。The last WPV case in China was reported in 1999, due to an importation from India.

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2011年,世卫组织西太平洋区域也发生一例输入性脊灰病例。In 2011, the WHO Western Pacific Region also suffered an importation of poliovirus.

被告意图将这批药品进口至英格兰后再转出口。It arranged for its importation into England with the intention of re-exporting it.

亚洲是中国中间投入品进口主要来源地区。And Asia is the main sourcing area of China's importation of semi-finished products.

介绍了中国木材市场供需和进口现状及发展趋势。The supply and demand situation and importation of China's timber market are presented.

结论国产与进口鲑鱼降钙素喷鼻剂生物等效。Conclusion Domestic salmon calcitonin nasal spray is bioequivalent with the importation.

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2010年,欧洲区域在获得认证后发生第一例输入性脊灰病例。In 2010, the European Region suffered its first importation of polio after certification.

最后,愿中国纺织品进口网在大家的期待中茁壮成长!At the end, wish Chinese Textile Importation Web develop faster and better with our expectation!

分析了我国铁路工业企业引进设备的现状。Importing equipment is an important form of technical importation in railway industrial enterprises.

它们的生产成本只是进口钻石刀具的千分之一。Their cost of production is only one one-thousandth of the total cost of diamond tools importation.

从1619年起向美洲输入非州奴隶的活动则划出了最具争议的界线。But the sharpest line was drawn by the importation of African slaves, which began in America in 1619.

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在五月星空下,我们打开电脑,把我们对劳动和青春的赞美输入硬盘。Star in May, we open the computer, to our youth praise of Labor and the importation of the hard disk.

威尔曼集团多年来注重人才培养和先进设备的引进。WELM pays great attention to personnel training and importation of advanced equipment over the years.

一个国家为阻碍某些产品的进口所采用的关税、配额和其他规定。Tariffs, quotas, and other regulations used by one country to discourage the importation of certain goods.