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据说,每个家族都会出败家子。They say every family has its black nerf.

我猜这两艘船都在勒夫枪的射程之外。I guess both ships were out of nerf gun range.

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为什么你将对于惩戒的最初的削弱说成是一个外科手术?Why did I describe our initial attempts to nerf Ret as surgical?

这是为什么我们不频繁削弱卡牌的最大原因之一。This is one of biggest reasons why we don't nerf cards very frequently.

我们真的曾经研究过改变它,但是害怕被术士感觉是个削弱。We did talk about changing it, but feared it would only be perceived as a nerf.

蝎子坦克被减弱后,它们不再可能凭自身实力取得胜利。With the substantial nerf to Scorpions, they no longer can win a battle on their own.

我们确实希望能够削弱回春,但我们也希望能够修复大地母亲的恩赐。We definitely wanted to nerf Rejuv. However we also wanted to fix Gift of the Earth Mother.

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而削弱邪恶虫群的原因是我们认为瘟疫打击这个技能应该更强、打得更多。The nerf to Unholy Blight was in part because we think SS will be contributing to more damage overall.

不要担心你们的熊形态,护甲和一些其他的变化解决了装备方面的问题。Don't worry about your bears. The armor and other changes were done to fix itemization issues, not to nerf druids.

我们考虑了回春术和大地母亲的恩赐的削弱,认为我们更愿意削弱后者,将前者恢复到原来的水平。We considered the Rejuv nerf and the GotEM nerf and decided we liked the second one more and reverted the first one.

由于1.09版本中经济的削弱,节约和开采泰矿变的比以前更加重要。Because of the economy nerf in 1.09, managing and exploiting tiberium to it's fullest has become more important than ever.

我们认为术士在竞技场的表现太差了。一种解决方法是削弱克制的职业,我们已经完成了。We think warlock representation is too low in Arenas. One solution to that is to nerf classes that counter them, which we have done.

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我们比较可能削弱包括回复在内的任何东西,因为我们希望当玩家在队里的时候,能力会较强一些。We'd more likely to nerf everything than just Replenishment, because we like having player power grow so much when you're in a group.

如果你已经被放炮,或你的硬件优化办公战改装很感兴趣,你应该坚持削弱。If you already have Nerf blasters, or you are very interested in modding your hardware for optimal office warfare, you should probably stick with Nerf.

如此广大的分布范围导致大量基因杂交现象的发生,在纯血统纳福牛下出现了许多纳福牛亚种,它们彼此之间的外貌差异相当大。Such wide distribution has led to a broad genetic mix of races descended from mainline nerf stock, with subspecies looking quite different from one another.

从新一点的活动来看,今天他们已经能令乐福枪发射大量小球,如果你还没有买一把这样的玩具枪,你就得留意这些超级喷枪的威力了。Try some new ones too -- they make great balls out of Nerf these days, and if you haven't bought a squirt gun in a while, be prepared for today's amazing supersoakers.

Nerf的只是那些目前现实里完全没有的只是理论上最大化的情况,而且,说实话,因为那些装备上的护甲过于强大我们要削弱所以不必很在乎。It is a nerf to a theoretical maximum that nobody currently has, and in truth wasn't going to be able to get anyway because the armor on those items was so good that we were going to nerf them.